The One Where Robin Finds Out

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[Content Warning: These guys still drink here]


*Continuing right where we left off, Robin and Mushroom have just finished their performance*

Mushroom: *Whispers* We killed it!! They love us!!

*Robin laughs. He gets up and brushes down his plumage*

Robin: Wow, you're so great!!

Mushroom: Oh, me?! "You're so great" yourself!

*Mushroom jumps up and down with excitement, giggling*

*In the lounge*

Traffic Cone: Panda, are you alright?

Panda: Yeah I'm fine... but I know one penguin who isn't...

Traffic Cone: Where is she? Has she left?

Panda: This is bad... Real bad... Ok, so Mushroom and I kinda planned something and... it kinda backfired..

Traffic Cone: What happened?

Panda: I can't talk about it, ok? If anyone asks, she's gone to the bathroom.

Traffic Cone: Alright?

Firework: I have to say, that was amazing!!!

Traffic Cone: Oh yes. I've heard duets are a first in this place.

Firework: Aww, but it was only with the final 3, this is so unfair...

*Mushroom and Robin come backstage*

Mushroom: Hey everyone!!

*everyone rushes over to them, congratulating them on the performance*

RoboBunny: You guys killed it!!!

Robin: Oh yeah, team Rob-Room!

*Robin and Mushroom high-hive*

Mushroom: ...Mush-Bin didn't quite have the same ring to it.

Traffic Cone: No, of course.

RoboBunny: Yeah, you could see where you'd go wrong with that.

*Mushroom and Robin go get drinks at the bar, provided by Chandelier. Bagpipes "pipes" up after not talking for a while*

Bagpipes: Laddies, I cannae find Rockhopper, she's done a runner.

Mushroom: *Whispers to Robin* Mission accomplished, she's jealous.

Bagpipes: I wonder why she got in a wee paddy?

Panda: A wee paddy? She was gone in seconds.

Firework: I saw that too, I think she was crying on the way out.

Robin: She's gone?! Where is she?

*Panda and Mushroom look at each other*

Mushroom: We really misjudged that one.

Panda: Y'know I wish we thought that one through better... You would be pretty heart-broken too, if you saw the man you love sing an intimate song with another girl.

*Mushroom gasps and nudges Panda, Panda clasps her mouth shut with her paws*

Robin: What did you just say?!

Panda: Uh... that we should've chosen better songs for the performance?

Robin:, "The man you love" part?

Panda: Fuh...F-flannin...

Robin: Does Rockhopper love me?! Oh my God... She loves me... Oh, this is unbelievable. And you knew about this too, Mushroom?

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