Who Wore it Better?

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*Robin comes out wearing a black leather jacket, denim shorts, fish net stockings and pink boots*

Robin: *Imitating Rockhopper* Hey guys, I don't know where Robin went? Did you see him come in here? I can't find him

Panda: Oh... My God!

RoboBunny: Are those Rockhopper's boots?!

Robin: I'm Rockhopper! You never saw us in the same room, y'know.

*Mushroom and Panda are screaming with laughter*

Robin: Ok, but where is that handsome Robin anyway?

Rockhopper: What the..? Oh dude, you're not...

RoboBunny: I can't believe you did that!! Haha! Rockhopper stand next to him, stand next to him!

*Rockhopper walks over to Robin giggling*

Rockhopper: Why? Just why, Robin?

Robin: What? It's not Destiny's Child, you guys. It was really me! Panda, why are you laughing at me? Stop it, I'm serious! *trying to hold back his laughter* I was making a comeback! Oh, I need lipstick, hang on!

Panda: God, this is the best thing ever 😂

Mushroom: Is he getting lipstick?! He's actually putting makeup on!

*Robin comes back with a lip gloss in his hand and starts applying to his beak*

*RoboBunny starts bawling with laughter*

RoboBunny: Damn girl, you slay it!

Rockhopper: I don't know who should be more ashamed, me or him..

Robin: Oh you want shame, eh? Rockhopper, come gimme a kiss.

Rockhopper: What? No, I'm not going to!

Robin: Come on, Rocky! Kiss the pretty birdie!

Rockhopper: I'm not kissing you when you look like that!

RoboBunny: Pucker up, lovebirds!!

Panda: Aww, so cute!

*Robin walks towards her with his arms out and puckers up to kiss Rockhopper, she starts walking backwards*

Rockhopper: Stop it, no!! Haha! OK, ok it's funny, it's funny!

*RoboBunny wolf whistles, Panda "ooh's"*

Mushroom: Bunny! Haha, don't be so cheeky!

Rockhopper: Haha! Robin, stop! I'm not kidding!

*Robin gets closer to her and just hugs her, gives her a little peck on the cheek. Rockhopper is left laughing*

Rockhopper: Ok ok!! I get it, stop! Haha, Alright!

*Robin lets go and brushes down his chest, chuckling*

Rockhopper: Gosh, I admire the commitment to the whole get-up. The boots, the stockings and everything.

Robin: Haha, I thought that might cheer you up, though.
*Robin wipes away the lip gloss, notices he's left a kiss mark on Rockhopper's cheek, he motions to where the stain is*

Robin: Oh, sorry 'bout that. Right, I'm gonna get out of these boots, the heels are killing me.

*He walks off to go get changed*

Panda: Aww, Rockhopper and Robin, sittin' in a tree!
*Mushroom joins in*

Mushroom/Panda: K.I.S.S.I.N.G!

Rockhopper: No, guys it's not like that!

*Rockhopper wipes away the kiss mark off her cheek*

Panda: Tee-hee, we're just kidding. Though is it just when he looked like that hot mess that you wouldn't kiss him?

Rockhopper: Hey, there's no kissing going on here, you guys.

Mushroom: Ok, here's a question. Who would you rather kiss, Robin or Poodle?

Panda: Ooh, that's interesting. Cos didn't you say that you liked Poodle?

Rockhopper: I-I um, I don't know what you mean..

Mushroom: I noticed you've getting friendly with the pooch, can't say I'd blame you so.

Rockhopper: Well, yeah we're friends and he's amazing.

*Robin comes back to the room, but stops as he over hears the conversation*

Panda: Yeah, he is. But I don't think Poodle is interested in you like that.

Mushroom: If anything, I'd say you were taking a fancy to a certain red bird.

*Robin's eyes widen and his jaw drops, his tail starts to sway, he smiles brushes back the feathers on his head and makes his way in. But stops going in as he hears Rockhopper's response*

Rockhopper: Oh, that.. um, well uh... I don't know, I think I have a better shot being with Poodle.

*Robin's smile fades, he takes a step back. He holds onto his medal trying not to make any noise*

Robin: *Whispers* Oh, come on...
*He walks away looking down, with his tail dropped down between his legs*

Mushroom: No way. Think about all the times you and Robin were talking.

Panda: Yeah, he helped you out with rehearsals, he's given you advice, been a shoulder to cry on- Hey! Didn't he give you a Rock? He has gotta be into you!!

Rockhopper: Oh wow... How did I not see that?! Gosh, I should go and talk to him.

*Rockhopper finds Robin*

Rockhopper: Oh, you're here.. There's something I wanna... Hey, are you OK?

Robin: Sorry? Yeah, I have to go practise.

Rockhopper: There's no practise today.

Robin: Yeah there is, finals... not that you'd get the schedule or anything.
*Robin storms off*

Rockhopper: Damn... I guess I hit a nerve..

Well that was fun to write. Just can't wait for the final though, will be great to see some old faces again.

And yes, still on the Robin and Rockhopper ship! Wish we got some interaction with those two on the show, missed opportunity.

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