A Deal with the Devil (The Fungi Bargain)

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It's been a couple days after the semi-finals were finished and now have moved onto the preparations for the final. Robin is still coming to terms with what he's heard and is trying desperately to avoid being near Rockhopper and any sort of communication with her.

*Rockhopper walks up to Robin's dressing room door. She inhales and exhales before knocking on the door*

Rockhopper: Robin? It's me, Rockhopper. C'mon, I know you're in there. I can smell the jelly worms from out here, just open up.

*Robin opens the door from inside, he looks at Rockhopper with a straight face, he isn't smiling as he usually is*

Rockhopper: ..Hey.

*Robin leans against the doorway with his arms folded over his chest*

Robin: ...Yeah?

Rockhopper: I... I sent you a whole load of texts and voice clips, I tried to call you.

Robin: Yeah, I got 'em..

Rockhopper: Look Robin, I don't understand. I thought we were on good terms, we were laughing and having fun and... now you don't even wanna talk to me... is this what you finalists do after eliminating the rest of us? You don't want anything to do me cos I'm not good enough to be around you and-

Robin: H-hold on, is that what you think? You think I'm avoiding you cos you're not a finalist?

Rockhopper: No, I just thought... Look, I know that-

Robin: No, Rockhopper you don't. You think you know but you don't...

Rockhopper: I'm just trying to understand.

Robin: Funny how you wanna be open to me now.. all the times we've been rehearsing together and... it's like you don't even like me...

Rockhopper: I...

*Robin sighs sharply, trying to fight back being choked up*

Robin: I mean... just everything that I've done for you... I wanted to be closer to you... but you just shut me out when I've tried to been a friend to you... why?

Rockhopper: I... I don't know..

*Robin blinks a few times, trying to fight back being on the brink of tears. He sighs*

Robin: I can't deal with this... I'm meeting up with Mushroom and I can't let her see me like this... I can't do this anymore, Rockhopper... I'm sorry.

*Robin stands upright and starts closing his door*

Rockhopper: Robin, please!

Robin: I don't wanna see you anymore...

*The door shuts, Rockhopper stands in front of the door in silence*

*On the other side, Robin leans on the door, he slides down to the floor. He buries his head into his hands, he curls himself up and quietly sobs*

*Rockhopper sighs, she walks away with her head down*

*Later on*

*Robin is outside on the balcony where he and Rockhopper were talking before the quarter-finals. Mushroom finds him outside and walks up to him*

Mushroom: Hey, bird boy!

Robin: Mushroom, what's the matter?

Mushroom: I have some exciting news for you! So in the final, RoboBunny, Panda and myself get to choose who we want to duet with. And so I thought I'd choose someone who's really been helping me out a lot recently..

*she gives him a piece of paper, Mushroom had signed her name and Robin down for duets*

Robin: M-Me? You want me? Out there?
Wow, that's so nice of you, I... it's been a whole year since I've been on that stage.

Mushroom: Listen, I know you've had a hard time with your jealousy issues about Rockhopper and-

Robin: *interrupts* For the last time, I'm not jealous!!! If she wants a Poodle, then why do I care? No, why should I care? Cos I don't!

Mushroom: Robin, I know you love her, not falling IN love, you're right there. You're an emotional wreck and I think you need to blow off some steam. That's why I thought you could get back at her.

Robin: Get back at her?! I can't do that, it's not in my principal to spite someone. Oh God... I've got a bad feeling about this.

Mushroom: Relax, already!! It's not like it's a date. I have the perfect song for us, we'll just make it LOOK like we've gotten close. We're just trying to make her jealous. It's fool-proof.

Robin: *sighs* Alright, I'm trusting you. I just really don't feel right about this, y'know?

Mushroom: It's gonna be fine. We'll have fun. Besides, you've got your friends back with you on that stage. Not Badger, sadly. Queen Bee and Hedgehog!

Robin: Oh wow, I have to say hello to them today.

Mushroom: By the way, I thought Robin birds were territorial about their things *whispers* and potential mates.

Robin: Rockhopper isn't my mate... though I guess it would be nice if... Ugh screw it, she's driving me crazy... Mushroom, you and I are duet buddies! I'm in!

Mushroom: Amazing!!! Ok, all the contestants get to watch backstage, you know by the screen? Rockhopper will be there too. Oh, she is going to be soo jealous!!

Robin: Why does it matter to you if she's jealous? And, hang on... How do you know she'll be jealous?

Mushroom: It's cos I've been trying to prove I'm right. I've heard all the gossip and the signals are so clear, it's shinier than her crystal ball in her circus. I've actually agreed with Panda on this as well and she says you've been extra preened since you saw that penguin. And maybe you being in the arms of another woman is gonna remind her of that.

Robin: *voice goes higher* Whaaaaaaaaaat? Come on, no way!!!!!

Mushroom: Listen, we can't let your little scandal go out to the public either, we have to act like nothing is happening. We can go over this in choreography. Ah, the teacher performs with the student... that's actually quite wholesome, that is.

*Mushroom looks round*

Mushroom: *quietly* But if you wanna kiss my hand for the showmanship, I won't complain.

Robin: Uh, *Chuckles nervously* Let's just see how this goes.

A little bit more heavier now with these stories, but there will be more to it with the final being [tomorrow] (as it was written).

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