Losing My Religion

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*Next day, the tour had moved from Manchester to Leeds*

*Badger and Robin get called into an office by the show officials to talk about the assault, with Joel to witness the investigation*

Executive: You violated one of the most important rules in this industry - We strictly prohibit any and all masks to commit assault and/or threaten any violent actions towards another mask.

Badger: But sir, I... it was an accident. I-I totally blanked out. One moment I'm going up to Robin, and then... He was on the floor.

Executive: That's no excuse, Mr. Badger. There is security footage and more than five eye witnesses that had seen you assault Mr. Robin unprovoked.

Robin: If I may, sir. I can back up that this was obviously not unprovoked. I-it's my fault. I may have passed on some sensitive information told to me in confidence by Badger.

Joel: But even then, that doesn't give Badger the right to slap you, Robin. Badger, with big paws like yours, you need to be careful, what if you took out Robin's eye?

Robin: He didn't.

Badger: I know I... I'm a monster.

Joel: You two are supposed to be best friends, what's been going on with the pair of you?

*Robin and Badger share a look with one another. Badger looks down*

Robin: I think the stress of the tour has just gotten to us. We haven't been able to sleep well due to travelling restrictions - I know we can't complain about it, but... If this leads to having one of our best performers sleep-deprived and over-rehearsed, I do worry about what this may lead to in terms of relationships within the community at the studio.

Joel: You do realise that this isn't for us to decide, Robin. As far as the rules of the tour goes, everyone is responsible for their own actions. As for Badger, he needs to control his anger.

Executives: Joel, as you seem to have more of a connection with these stars, we need to ask you to keep an eye on their well beings, sort out a structured timetable for them to perform and take breaks and instil some disciplinary actions if something is to go astray.

Joel: Wait. But I'm just the presenter, the host. This isn't my responsibility, I have to rehearse this show myself.

Executive: We cannot afford any more interference on this tour. The ticket sales are through the roof and the reputation of this tour is too precious to tarnish now.

Badger: No. I can't let you do that to Joel. I understand what I did was wrong and... I never wish to cause anyone harm. Especially to those closest to me. I sincerely regret my actions and I'll do my best to ensure it never happens again.

*Robin turns to Badger with concern and looks down*

Executive: Just this once, Mr. Badger. We're letting you off with a warning. If any further actions take place, you will be removed from the program and any sort of reputation you have developed will be in jeopardy. And since your rank has led you to gain your own medal, it would have to be revoked.

Robin: Whoa, that's a bit extreme. I'm not pressing any charges against him, besides he knows he didn't mean to do it.

Executive: However, to ensure safety towards all other performers, customers or otherwise, we will request that Mr. Badger reduces the size of his claws until further notice.

Badger: What? But, I need them to be long... Alright, whatever it takes. I'll.. I'll look into a declawing as soon as I can.

Robin: Badge, you don't have to do that.

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