The Wrong Thing for the Right Reason

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*Nighttime, Viper is outside the studio building pacing back and forth*

Viper: Ok, you can do this. You’ve done this in the past, you still got this… This is wrong, I can’t just steal from everyone… Ugh, what choice do I have? This is for Badger.

*Viper sighs and puts on his balaclava. He starts to make his way into the windows and breaks into the hall of fame room, where the trophies and medals are kept.*

*Viper opens up a sack and starts sliding everything into it, anything valuable, or anything important to the studio.*

*After clearing it out, Viper starts to make his way to Queen Bee’s room. She’s currently asleep in her bed, his heart starts to race*

Viper: *Thinks* This is crazy, this is crazy, this is crazy… You can do this, Viper.

*Viper sneaks in, and darts towards the shelves. Queen Bee’s room is full of tiaras, crowns, necklaces, bracelets and rings. Most importantly, she still holds on to her winning Masked Singer crown that she has in a glass cage.*

*Viper sneaks over to the crown, but he creaks on a floorboard, Queen Bee turns in her sleep. Viper holds his breath until she settles back down. He sighs quietly as he picks at the lock and opens up the cage carefully setting the glass lid down.*

*Viper exhales and switches the crown with a fake crown he had made prior to the stealing. Luckily no alarms had gone off. Viper picks up the sacks and places the crown inside one of them.*

Viper: *Thinks* I’m a terrible person.

*Viper sneaks out of the room and goes back through the halls and to the window he came out of. He makes an unexpected encounter with someone in the corner of the room. Hare emerges from the shadows*

Hare: You got what I asked, good work.

Viper: Well, it wasn’t exactly the line of work I wanted to go back into. Here, just take it and leave us alone.

*Hare checks the sacks*

Hare: And the money? Where is it?

Viper: All this stuff is the price, just turn that into money.

Hare: You don’t know where the money is, do you?

Viper: I just needed a little more time, this is all I could get.

Hare: All we asked is for that prize money, the £250,000 we were promised. No matter, I suppose we could always pawn these off for a large sum of dosh. I’d be willing to share it with you… for one last promise.

Viper: Forget it, I did what you asked. 

Hare: I see. Well, you certainly did a fine job of it… Perhaps it was too easy.

*Hare glances over at the security alarm, he lets go of the sack and darts for it, Viper grabs him to stop, but he slips away and activates the alarms*

Viper: No!!!

Hare: The jig is up, Viper. I’m not the one who broke in.

*Hare hops out of the window as it locks shut*

Viper: Oh no!!

*Viper frantically starts looking for another exit, he grabs the sack of stolen goods and darts for the emergency door, which sets off another alarm.*

Viper: Oh no, this is bad. I have to find a way to return this stuff… Wait, if I return it, they’re gonna know it was me. Oh man, what have I done?!

*Viper walks off and goes to hide away the stolen goods in a bush and walks away back to his dorm. He looks around to find any dancers around, nobody is up*

Viper: Man, that was a loud alarm, how is nobody awake? Hmm, I wonder.

*Viper goes back outside to find everyone being evacuated to the emergency fire meeting spot. He meets up with everyone*

Zip: Y’know, this is way too late in the night.

KBG: Tell me about it, dear. What’s happening out here?

Carwash: Well, whatever it is, I am glad it’s not raining for once.

Security: Attention all singers and dancers. There has been a theft here on the studio grounds. We have brought you all here to make sure everyone was safe. We don’t know who would’ve done anything like this, but we will get to the bottom of it.

*The masks talk amongst themselves in a panic*

Mushroom: Theft?! Who would do such a thing?

Butterfly: I know, I’m glad there wasn't anything in my room that was taken.

Alien: Yeah, no doubt. When we go back to our dorms, you know we’re all going to be searched.

Queen Bee: My crowns… My jewels… It’s all gone. 

*Queen Bee sobs, Hedgehog wraps an arm around her. She turns and cries on his shoulder*

Hedgehog: It’ll be alright, my dear. We’ll get them back.

Octopus: Whoever stole from our queen is so wrong and sick in the head!!

*Viper looks around the group, trying to stay quiet and not suspicious*

Mushroom: It may not even be one of us, but I always thought we felt safe here with our wonderful security team.

Queen Bee: But don’t you see? They’ve done it once, and they’ll do it again!

Security: Alright, you all need to go back into your rooms and you mustn’t leave for the rest of the night. All of the security guards will be making sure nobody leaves their rooms until the morning. By then, you will all be searched for these possessions.

*All the masks are left in silence, until they are escorted back to their rooms*

Bagpipes: Whit if a'm needin' a pish in th' nicht? ah will juist tak' a dump oan mah pillow then. 

Security Guard: We will escort you to the nearest facilities.

Zip: Oh, Bagpipes. Always asking the important questions.

Security: Get plenty of rest before tomorrow’s investigation, everyone.

Sorry folks, no self-made art for this one.

And I know this chapter is shorter than most, but I will try and pick up the quanitity told as best as I can.

Hope you still like the story.

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