A New Face on the Scene

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*It was a few hours into dance rehearsal and Squirrel is taking a water break to cool down after moving around so much*

Squirrel: Hmm, something about that part of the routine doesn't add up.

*Viper walks by the door*

Squirrel: Oh, Viper! Could I borrow you for a minute?

Viper: Hey, what's up?

*Viper walks into the practise room*

Squirrel: I need a second opinion on my routine.

Viper: Ok, sure.

Squirrel: I'm trying to see if I can attempt to go from a high kick into possibly a shuffle. But I don't know, I think I may be losing my balance a little bit.

Viper: Hmm, ok show me the high kick.

*Squirrel puts the music on and takes a step back, demonstrating part of her routine with the high kick*

Viper: That's good. But you want my advice? It's very same old, same old. At least for you.

*Squirrel stops the music*

Squirrel: Ok?

Viper: Alright, I think it's time for some collaboration. Well, only if you'd be up for it.

Squirrel: I dunno, I can't imagine my dance skills would gel with a lot of you.

Viper: Why don't you give me a shot? I know I came last and everything, but I got a pretty good rep from the audience.

Squirrel: That is true. I just don't understand how you came last.

Viper: Ask the panel, they obviously saw something in Beetroot they didn't see in myself.

*He chuckles*

Squirrel: Hey, don't sell yourself so short. You were great out there!

Viper: Thanks, Squirrel. Not a lot of people seem to think that way about me because of my lower rank, Badger's a lucky guy.

*She shrugs with a smirk. As they continue to converse, a group of random people walk by the practise room*

Squirrel: Huh? What's all this?

Viper: No idea.

Security: And here you will find the dance studios, where our performers will use any of these rooms to rehearse for performances or general practise.

*Viper and Squirrel glance at each other confused*

Squirrel: Oh, I'll bet that's for the refurbishment. You've heard about a new group of dancers coming, right?

Viper: Wow, I thought that was just a rumour. I didn't think there would be more dancers, I had it figured we were the only ones.

Squirrel: Yeah. They don't look like they're it though.

*Viper glances at the group, his eyes widen momentarily*

Viper: Huh... Yeah, let's hope huh?

Squirrel: Sorry?

Viper: Ah... Nevermind, it's uh.. it's not important. Um... What were we talking about?

Squirrel: Hmm... Partnering?

Viper: Oh yeah. Right, well you can come back to me on that. Anyways I'm gonna... go..

*Viper starts to slink his way out of the room*

Squirrel: Um... Ok, I'll see you later then. *To herself* That was weird.

*Viper turns the corner to follow the group, he watches them intently as he notices one particular character that grabs his attention*

*He tries to stay quiet and distant so he doesn't throw any suspicion on himself. A small person wearing a hard hat and suit turns around after hearing Viper accidentally kick a bucket. This turns out to be a little hare. Viper turns to the wall pretending to admire the painting on it*

Viper: Uh heh. Just... art I hadn't seen here before.

Hare: Hmm, well it certainly does bring the wall some life.

*Viper glances over the Hare's head as his group has continued walking and turns a corner*

Viper: Sure... What are you doing here?!

Hare: I am here to help with some renovations, I hear this studio needs it.

*Viper grabs Hare by the suit and throws him to the wall, pinning him up to meet his eyes*

Viper: Enough with the crap, why are you here? What could you possibly want with us?!

Hare: Now now, Mr. Snake man I don't mean any trouble.

Viper: You think acting like you don't know me is gonna get you out of trouble?!

*Carwash finds Viper and Hare*

Carwash: Viper, what are you doing?! Put him down!

Viper: Stay back, Carwash! This one's crafty, trust me.

Hare: Haha! I'd listen to your friend here. There's no need for any hostility now.

Viper: Ssssss.... Fine.

*Viper let's go of Hare, dropping him to the ground. Hare picks himself up and fixes his tie*

Hare: Thank you, kind sir. If I were you, I'd say I would keep your friend here in check.

Carwash: Are you alright?

Hare: Right as rain. Now if you gentlemen will excuse me, I have to get back to the tour. I need to know what I'm tearing down for this... renovation, of course.

*Hare walks off. Carwash turns to Viper*

Carwash: What the hell are you playing at?

Viper: But, I... It's nothing.

*Viper walks away, leaving Carwash confused*

*Viper walks away, leaving Carwash confused*

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