Caught In All Honesty

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(Images of Blood and Violence)

*In a dark and cold room, everything is deathly quiet.*

*Robin starts to stir, he wakes up groaning, feeling disoriented and sore*

Robin: Grnngh… Ugh… Wha.. Where… Where am I?

*Robin sits himself up, only to find himself bruised and in pain. He places a hand over his face, he winces in pain from the contact that he receives on his beak*

Robin: Ow… Oh, that smarts… Hello? Is anyone there?

*He takes a moment to look at his surroundings, albeit there isn’t much to see in a dark room. Robin hears someone call out his name.*

???: Robin? Is that you?

Robin: Who said that? Where are you?! Show yourself!!

*Someone emerges from the shadows. It’s Squirrel*

Squirrel: Robin!!

Robin: Oh Christ, Squirrel!!

*They run over to each other and embrace each other*

Squirrel: I'm so glad to see you!!! Finally a familiar friendly face..

Robin: You're not kidding. But it’s good to see you too! Badger’s been worried sick! Where are we?

*Squirrel pulls back and sees Robin's cuts and bruises*

Squirrel: I wish I knew. Oh Robin, what happened to you? Did they do this to you?

Robin: Ah, yeah I uh… Got myself into a scrap.

Squirrel: Did they do this to you?! 

*This sudden yet weird question took Robin by surprise, he shakes his head*

Robin: Who? I-I mean, it was a huge wolf and a beaver that got me.

*Squirrel gasps*

Squirrel: Oh no. Oh Robin, this is awful.

Robin: We've been wondering where you've been, what are you doing here?

Squirrel: Some thugs came into the studio and kidnapped me.

Robin: What?! Ugh, then that means they must’ve gotten me too. How long have you been here?

Squirrel: I-I don’t know, a day or so? I’m just glad you’re here too… B-But… Wait, if you're here, then where’s Badger?! Is he here?! Oh God, what if they got him too?! What if he’s dead?!

*Squirrel begins to hyperventilate and tear up*

Robin: Hey, hey. Squirrel, look at me- Look at me. Calm down.

Squirrel: How am I supposed to stay calm?! We don’t even know where we are- I-if our friends know where we are- God knows what’s happened to them! Oh God, Oh God No!!

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