Newly Acquainted and Weekend Plans

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*Squirrel and Sausage make their way back to the studio, after going to "Glory's"*

Sausage: So I said something random to suggest a whole other crazy story!

Squirrel: Haha! You're kidding!!

Sausage: Meta conversation jokes are the best.

Squirrel: Yeah, it's more convenient on any story writers so they don't have to try so hard.

Sausage: Probably explains Hedgehog's failed attempt of being a best selling author.

Squirrel: Really? He's writing a book?

Sausage: Was... He WAS writing a book. Anyways, let's get in. I know it's Spring but it still feels like Winter

*Squirrel and Sausage are just about to walk through the studio doors as someone calls out to them.*

Hare: Oh excuse me, I don't suppose you ladies know where the loos are?

Sausage: Yeah, the outside ones are just on the right around the corner.

Hare: Ah thank you so much. Say, I thought I saw you in one of the dance studios earlier today.

Squirrel: Oh yeah that was me and I was practising this dance routine that I've been planning for weeks on end.

Hare: Interesting, um..

Squirrel: Oh, Squirrel's the name.

Hare: I see. Squirrel, it is a pleasure to meet you my dear.

*Hare takes Squirrel by the hand and kisses it, taking both the girls by suprise*

Squirrel: O-oh! Haha, you too Mr. Rabbit.

Hare: Mr. Rabbit? Haha, please. Call me Hare.

Squirrel: Well, Hare. It's nice to have someone consulting with the construction of the new studio area.

Hare: But of course. I understand the importance of the performing arts, whether it's dancing or singing. Society needs a form of entertainment and it's important that everyone gets to express themselves with their art.

Sausage: Yeah, totally. Not a lot of people get that.

Hare: And you must be the Season 2 winner, Sausage. I can't even begin to describe how honoured I am to be in the presence of greatness.

Sausage: Oh, you charmer! Haha!!

Hare: I get that a lot.

Squirrel: So you're mostly in charge of the constructions going ahead and where everything goes?

Hare: That's right!

Sausage: So when can we see the floor plans?

Hare: Sorry ladies but that's classified information. Though I don't suppose if you would like to talk over a drink or something some time?

Squirrel: Oh, well-

Sausage: Sounds lovely, though maybe later? We've got a girls' night to plan!!

*Hare was taken aback by Sausage's abrupt response*

Hare: Ok well, I hope you girls have fun.

Squirrel: We will, thank you!

Hare: Alright, now I do need to get to the bathroom, I won't keep you ladies much longer.

*Hare dashes off*

Squirrel: Well, he seems nice.

Sausage: Yeah... Flirting.

Squirrel: Yeah I guess he kinda was. But what about you with your "You charmer!" Schtick? Haha

Sausage: Hey, I'm the single Sausage here! Don't you have a boyfriend? What's his name, oh Badger?!

Squirrel: Hey, you know I would never do anything to Badger!

Sausage: I know I know, no need to get snippy. Haha!

Squirrel: So, girls night?

Sausage: Oh yeah, let's go see who's available!!

*The girls go around the studio grounds and group chats for invitations for the night they're planning for the weekend*

*Later that evening, Mushroom, Rockhopper, Robo-Bunny, Bagpipes, Hedgehog, Doughnuts and Tree are all chatting together in the lounge*

Rockhopper: Ok, Mushroom we better go, Sausage will be expecting us to be sure we're there tomorrow. You bringing anything with you?

Mushroom: Yeah, I am bringing the popcorn, diet coke and some card games.

Rockhopper: Ooh, I got some of those too! I'm bringing the gins too.

RoboBunny: You guys going to a party?

Mushroom: Yeah, Sausage has invited us to a Girls' Night.

RoboBunny: Aw, that sounds fun.

Mushroom: Sorry Robo, ladies only.

*The girls walk off, Robo's ears droop down behind his head*

RoboBunny: Aw...

*Rockhopper sneaks back to RoboBunny*

Rockhopper: Come on, Bunny.

RoboBunny: Yeeee!!!! Girls Night, Girls Night, Girls Night!!!

*Rockhopper and RoboBunny walk off*

Doughnuts: Seriously, does he not hear himself when we does that?

Hedgehog: Anyway... I don't suppose you three would like to go and play some table football with a few beers?

Doughnuts: I'm game, how about you Tree? Bagpipes?

Bagpipes: Aye. Whit else ur we gonnae dae?

Tree: I'll take that as a yes. Count me in too.

Hedgehog: Oh, splendid! Let's call dibs over there!

*The boys go to the foose-ball table*

Bagpipes: Hauld yer horses, thir's three o' us. How's that gonnae be a fair gam?

Tree: Check your maths again, you tartan haggis. It's 2V2. Easy split.

Bagpipes: Och richt, howfur did ah forgoat ye wur thare?

Doughnuts: I'm sorry, but can anyone understand what he's saying?

Hedgehog: Let's just play.

*Bagpipes teams up with Tree as Doughnuts plays along with Hedgehog*

*Bagpipes teams up with Tree as Doughnuts plays along with Hedgehog*

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