A Welcome Home Surprise

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(Violence, Blood and injuries)

*The next morning*

*Badger and Robin wake up, groggily*

Robin: Oh… Owwww… Ugh…

Badger: Nnggghh… What time is it?

Robin: Hmm…

*Robin checks his phone*

Robin: 7:15… God. Never again.

Badger: How you feeling?

Robin: Like my head is about to explode and my beak is gonna fall off.

*Unicorn comes out from the bathroom*

Unicorn: Hello, sleepy boys.

*Badger covers his ears with his paws*

Badger: Ah! Not so loud, Sparkles. 

Unicorn: I'm not being loud.

Robin: How are you awake at this time?

*Robin rubs his eyes but stops when his head aches*

Unicorn: I'm totally fine. You guys on the other hand?

*Unicorn chuckles*

Unicorn: Well, maybe you should watch how much tequila you pour in each other's mouths.

Badger: I suppose we did go a bit nuts.

*Robin slowly gets himself out of bed*

Robin: Well, we can't get too comfortable right now. We should get dressed-

Unicorn: Most of us don't wear clothes.

Robin: …And get packing for the coach… In a minute though.

*Robin shoves Unicorn out of the way and shuts the bathroom door behind him*

Unicorn: Oof… And we have a puker. How about you, Wife Beater?

Badger: Sorry?

*Unicorn motions to Badger's wife beater vest top. Badger glances between his top and Unicorn*

Badger: Hmm? Oh right. I don't know, might be alright after breakfast. You mind if I…?

Unicorn: Sure, I'll just be over here packing up, I won't look.

Badger: Cheers.

*Badger takes off his top and searches for a clean shirt and his set of leather trousers*

*Robin flushes the toilet and comes back out*

Robin: Ugh… Man… That's it for the tequila…

*Robin takes a breath*

Robin: And if you've been affected by the events raised in the bathroom in this program, please use the following website: “www.robin-alcohol-awareness-anonymoose/get-plucked.co.uk” …For help and support…

Badger: “Anony-Moose”?

*Robin just slumps to the floor. Badger pulls down his shirt and goes to help the bird*

Badger: Right, tell you what. I'll pack your stuff, you go down with Unicorn and get some breakfast, I'll join you in a bit.

Robin: A'ight cool..

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