Sing-along (Part 2)

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*A few hours into the evening and everyone is having a good time, some duels were sung, a dance battle took place just by dancers' demand*

Squirrel: It is soooo great to let loose!!

Frog: Totally!!! Look at you tearing it up on the dancefloor girl!! If only Badger could see you now.

Squirrel: OH!! Badger, thanks for reminding me!! Hey guys, I'm gonna call Badger.

*Squirrel runs off to the doors and facetimes Badger, the call was accepted*

Badger: *on the call* Hey babe.

Squirrel: Hey you, sorry I forgot to call you back earlier.

Badger: It's ok. *Yawns*

Squirrel: Aww, you must be tired touring the country.

Badger: Oh, just a little bit. Where are you right now?

Squirrel: Sing-along night.

Badger: Oh that's right. You having a good time?

Squirrel: Yeah, it's been a blast so far! It's just as well that I called, I needed some air.

Badger: Have you been singing tonight?

Squirrel: No, just dancing. I don't think I could sing as well as you can.

Badger: That's a point, you've seen me dance but I've never heard you sing.

Squirrel: Well, don't count on that happening anytime soon.

*Frog, Flamingo and Hare meet up with Squirrel outside*

Squirrel: Oh! Hey you guys, I'm just talking with... Well, you guys know that anyway. Want to say hi?

Frog: Oh sure!! Hi Badger!!!

Badger: Frog, how the devil are ya?

Frog: Same croak, different day.

Flamingo: Preach.

Badger: I have to say, it's nice seeing you all again, I almost forgot what you looked like Flamingo.

Squirrel: Oh yes! Badger, there's someone I'd like you to meet!

Badger: Oh, have the new dancers come in already?

Squirrel: No, not yet. Badger, I'd like you to meet Hare!!

Hare: Evening to you, my good man.

*Badger's smile fades a little bit, he blinks a few times as his eyes widen*

Badger: Um... Hello.

Squirrel: Hare has been helping out with the constructions of the studio grounds to fit in the new dancers.

Hare: Certainly, everything has gone off without a hitch. Further progress will be made tomorrow so forgive me if I'm not as socially active with any of you for a little while.

Frog: Nah, we get it!

Flamingo: Ooh, I need another drink, it's so cold out here.

Squirrel: It's April.

Flamingo: And we haven't had any April showers yet and I'm not risking any chances staying out here any longer though.

Frog: I'll go with you!

*Flamingo and Frog head inside*

Squirrel: Same nutters, innit.

Badger: Uh, yes.

Hare: So, Badger is it? Squirrel had told me all about you and your tour. So where are you all now?

Badger: We are all the way up in the north.

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