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I was just coming home from school, and just got my iPad and talked with some random people in a game when I heard a phone call from an unknown number.

Bruce: "Hello?"
Some two people: "Hi, may we please speak to Gem if she is there please?"
Bruce: "May I ask who is this?"
Gem's parents: "Oh we are her parents, and who are you?"
Bruce: "I'm Bruce, one of her friends, hold on. I'll get Gem."

I put the phone down on hold while I ran to my room and found her there texting. Man, she looks hot in that uniform.
I told her that her parents were on the line.

As I picked up the phone, I can immediately hear them arguing. Looks as if three days isn't enough for them to make up.

Gem: "Hi, Mom and Dad."
Gem's parents: "Hi, Gem. Listen."

I logged into Facebook and suddenly out of nowhere, Luther chatted me, strange, he usually doesn't chat me.
Luther: "Hey dude, I have bad news again."
Bruce: "What is it?"
Luther: "The Elders backstabbed you."
Bruce: "Oh no, not again! My life's over, I have no friends!"
Luther: "Dude chill, don't get depressed"
Bruce: "I'm not, I was just joking."
Luther: "I don't get it."
Bruce: "Well, what do you think I'm expecting? For you guys to talk nice things about me? Psh."

Suddenly, I heard Gem shouting angrily outside.

Bruce: "Brb dude."

I stepped outside and saw tears rolling down Gem's eyes while she shouted. Suddenly, she laid down the phone back gently and turned her head and looked at me. She slowly walked towards me and I hugged her to of course, console.

Gem: "My brother was hit in an accident and now he's in the hospital."
Bruce: "Oh my God. I hope he's ok."
Gem: "Yeah, but now he's in critical condition, he can probably..."
Bruce: "Don't say that. We should just pray that everything will go well."
Gem: "Yeah, but still.."
Bruce: "Let's just go to the hospital and see how he's holding up."

As we arrived into the hospital, Gem quickly jumped out of the car and ran towards the front door completely oblivious of the road with what cars driving and speeding away.

As we arrived in Room 169 and we saw her family there just staring at his unconscious body lying down. His heartbeat monitor indicates he's actually in critical condition. God, I hope he comes through, I don't want Gem's family breaking apart.

The doctor suddenly asks us all to walk out as she will begin operating .
Gem's Mom: "So, Gem, when are you coming home?"
Gem: "What? What do you mean?"
Gem's Mom: "Come back home."
Gem: "Why? All Dad does is abuse us when he comes home drunk. And from my cousin, I disovered that you HAD AN AFFAIR WITH ANOTHER MAN. So why do you want me to come back home?! Is it because you want me to be raised to be like you guys?! No! Bruce's parents have been nothing but kind and welcoming to me, they treat me like a daughter while my own parents don't!"

Gem's mom suddenly snaps and looks at me angrily without saying a word. Oh man, this is super awkward, maybe I shouldn't be here while they have this talk.

Gem: "The only one that I actually respected in this family were you and James, but since James is now here and you had that affair, I'm starting to think I don't have a family anymore!"

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