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I can't believe I had to wake up at 5:30AM!

Francis School starts like 30mins later, and I woke up at 6:15AM for Christian School.

The presence of logic is nowhere to be found.

After eating an unsatisfying breakfast, I groggily tread down the stairs, and got in the car.

In school, there were two other new students, one who looks so grumpy and another quiet. I guess the popular kids greeted them in the bad way.

I asked the quiet new guy, his name was Adrian, if he knew the other grumpy kid. His name was Randolph. They were twins, supposedly.

"Good morning, gentlemen! Please go to your seats and we will begin." a young looking guy walked in the classroom.

I sat on the only empty seat available, which was beside this tall guy. In front of me was this weird looking dude with his hair really long and all over the place, who really wanted to become a class officer.

Desperate much?

The teachers here called me kind throughout the day. Funny, that's how different from how teachers view me from Christian School.

They think I'm smart and antisocial.

I miss Christian School.


The next day, this tall guy boasts. "St. Thereseans are hot! I'm glad I'm friends with one of them."

St. Thereseans were our neighbor school, identical to ours, except it's all girls.

Psh, Christian schoolers are way hotter, maybe we should meet up with them... I thought to myself.

In that, I could only think of Gem. If only it were that easy to ask her.

She's my best friend well second, and it kinds sucks if I ruin our friendship with one awkward question.

"Something you'd like to share with the class, Mr. Riley?" the teacher glares at me.

I shake my head furiously. "No, ma'am."

"Great, let's begin."


Guysssss why are you all silent??

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- a.

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