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Whew, today was a semi- great day. Got to talk with more people and hung out with my other friends.
Excitedly, I went online on Facebook to chat with Gem about today.

Bruce: "Hey yo"
Gem: "Hi"
Bruce: "What's up? Anything wrong?"
Gem: 'No"
That's weird, she's usually enthusiastic about you know everything. It's not like her to give simple answers like Yes and No.
Bruce: "What?! Why??"
Gem: "They're in a really big fight." "I don't know what to do."
Bruce: "I'm so sorry Gem, I hope they get over this for the sake of your family." "Anyways, pray for the best."
Gem: "Thanks :)"
Bruce: "Anyways I know something something to take your mind off something" "Hypothetically, if we do get married, Promise that we'd name our son Atlas and our daughter Atlanta :)"
Gem: "HAHAHAHA why?"
Bruce: "Well, Atlas is from a favorite game of mine and Atlanta sounds like Atlantis, a beautiful place"
Gem: "Wow, I don't think I can go through with two children."
Bruce: "Well I think so, we make a great team ;)"
Gem: "Awww how sweet."
Bruce: "Ofc it is. It's from me, remember?"
Gem: "Whatever. Anyways, u didn't really mean that ryt? Us being together"
Well that was such a buzzkill, what a way to conclude this kind of conversation.
Bruce: "Nah just something to pass the time."
Gem: "Anyways thanks for making me feel better :)"
Bruce: "Sure anyways gtg eat dinner bye for now."

Wow, that kind of got me down, that was practically a friendzone thing right? I mean I meant like 50% of what I said, and unfortunately, she meant 100% of what she said. Bummer. What the hell am I even thinking about anyway? She's just my best friend. I don't want to jeopradize that and possibly mess it up. I like where we are now. As I go down, the stairs to eat dinner, I can't help but thinking, there's something in me that wants to be with her, not as friends, but as something more."

Gem: "Hey Bruce"
Bruce: "Hey again :)"
Gem: "Bruce, the fight's not dying down, they're practically hurling things at each other. I'm scared."
Bruce: "Hold tight, I'm coming to pick you up. You can stay at my place whike your parents sort things out, something tells me that they're going to need a little privacy."
Gem: "Ooohhh cool! A sleepover :) Well, don't ring the doorbell when you arrive because they'll get curious."
Bruce: "okie dokey"
Gem: "Wait, do you know how to drive?"
Bruce: "Yep- ish"
Gem: "Ish? what if you crash into other cars or bump people?"
Bruce: "Gem, it's 2:30AM in the morning. I hardly doubt that there will be people or cars there for accidents."
Gem: "Cool meet me in the garden outside when you get here :)"

Okay, here I go to rescue a damsel in distress.

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