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I dreaded this day ever since my parents told me I was moving to Francis School.

Today was the last day not only of the school year, but of my time in Christian School. This time, they release our report cards, and give medals to those who are diligent and persevering, namely me, but sadly at the cost of sleepless nights and deprivation of video games.

To kickstart the day our class gave a couple of emotional speeches. One of them was Luther since he is a class representative.

Yeah, I'll always remember that time where he was supposed to read a Scriptural Reading and he laughed like hell cuz it was in Chinese, and it sounded funny. Well, not for the teacher at his back it wasn't.

Suddenly a voice broke through my train of thought. "And I hope somebody WON'T LEAVE US." Luther says as he gave me the side-eye.

Most of the class looked at me, well now it is official that I am leaving for Francis School, kinda reduces the thinking of me be doing this for attention, I think......

Well, anyways after that, we received our report cards, and I was awarded as a silver medalist. But my friend said there were more, well I asked all, and there weren't. Haha, I rule!

After that, Gem walked up to me and asked for a picture. Couldn't say no to my best friend so of course I agreed.

Yes, Gem was also my best friend. Well, second to Luther, but she kept me alive during those stressful days, and we both traded personal things. It made me feel better during those days but now I feel terrible for leaving.

"Hey Bruce, I'll miss you, we have got to keep talking to each other more, we'll keep in touch, right?" Gem softly asked, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, sure we can meet up sometime?" I reply happily.

"Yeah sure!" Gem's eyes sparkled like a gem.

Wow, what a corny pun.

At the end of our conversation, we kind of hugged and cried together like there was this potential connection between us of which I am confused with.

Somehow there's something different with Gem, something I don't feel when I hang out with other girls or my other friends. There's this weird feeling that I get when I see or touch her.

I just can't put a finger on it.

Now I had more questions than ever before.

Where is my life going with this??


sup? hope u were sorta intrigued by this chapter, drama is happening.

gimme suggestions for the upcoming chapters, i could give you a shoutout!

vote; comment; fan :P

- a.

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