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Man, it's 11:30 already! How long have I slept? And why am I not in my room? Oh wait, now I remember. Bruce picked me up since my parents were fighting. Gosh, I hope their situation is improving.
Oh. Bruce is starting to wake up, I can see his groggy eyes moving about.

Gem: "Morning!"
Bruce: "Morning, sweetie!"
Gem: "What?"
Bruce: "Uhm, I said nothing. I was uhm dreaming?"
Gem: "Haha okay if you say so." "Shall we eat breakfast or I guess lunch" looking at the time.

As we went out the room, another door from the other end of the hallway opened. A woman in her late 30's, I guess Bruce's mom. Wow, she also hates mornings.
When his mom saw us, she looked shocked and confused.

Bruce: "Hey mom. This is Gem (pointing to me) and she slept here because her parents are fighting and maybe they'd want a little privacy."
Mom: "Oh haha okay, but next time, ask me permission first." said in an imperative and commanding tone.
Bruce: "But I'd hate to wake you up at 4:00 in the morning, and I knew you wouldn't let me pick her up."
Mom: "You went out driving to her place at 4:00 in the morning, and you don't have a license yet, you're just 15!

Bruce turned to me and said in a quiet whisper
Bruce: "Gem, go downstairs and ask for breakfast from the cook, I have some things to clear with my mom."

I went downstairs and not long after heard angry shouts by his mom. Wow, my staying here could get awkward,
Several minutes later, Bruce and his mom joined me in breakfast. While we were eating pancakes, his mom told me
Mom: "I'm sorry you had to hear some of that, Gem. It just feels wrong that Bruce is picking up such a beautiful stunning lady in 4:00 in the morning."
I thanked her and looked away and blushed a little.

Well it's been two days since Gem was here and I can say she is getting along pretty well with my family, she even talks about One Direction fanfics in this website. Anyways, I looked on my Facebook wall and was surprised to see a selfie of her with me in my bedroom while I was sleeping beside her.
Oh crap, I thought. what if some people saw this?

Yep, I got 20 messages from my old classmates from Christian school and my new ones from Francis school. To sum it up, it's basically a congratulations/good job/disgusted/horrified message. Aw man.
Luther: "HEY MAN!"
Bruce: "Hey"
Luther:'"So how was last night? I bet you liked it."
Bruce: "What are you talking about?"
Luther: "You know, the "sleepover" with Gem. You are very lucky."
Bruce: "No dude, that didn't happen."
Luther: "Yeah right. Did you use protection?"
Bruce: "No dude, that didn't happen."
Luther: "What the hell?!"
Bruce: "Oh crap, sorry, I sent the same message twice."
Luther: "So did you?"
Bruce: "NO! We didn't do anything. We just slept beside each other. It was basically just a sleepover."

Too bad I can't explain about the situation of Gem's parents, it was supposed to be a secret.
I logged out of Facebook before that doofus asks more questions.

Gem: "Hey Bruce. Ready for school?"
Bruce: "Yep, I'll get changed."
Something tells me I have to do some explaining there, and Gem too.

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