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𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚐𝚘 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚌𝚔 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚖𝚢 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜!!


Izuku woke up in a familiar blood stained room. Like always, he was chained to the uncomfortable bed, attached to wires and tubes. Not this again.. he thought before one of his masters walked into the room. "hello little omega. It's nice to see you again. Although, we see each other every day, don't we?" He asked, chuckling at his own words.

All the boy could do was lay quietly. He groggily turned his head, only to be met with familiar piercing golden eyes. "Oh, right. I'm not supposed to call you 'little omega' anymore, huh? I was told to call you '5006' (five zero zero six) by the others." He said sadly. "Well, I should get on with buisness, shouldn't I?" He asked yet another question, before pressing a button on his watch to signal the doctors in.

Three doctors came into the room before opening the cabinets and taking out familiar tools. "Don't worry, 5006. We aren't injecting you with anything today. We are just running some tests." One of the doctors informs, and the boy couldn't help but feel relieved.

The doctors walk towards izuku's bed, surgical tools in hand. Izuku starts to struggle to get away in fear of the sharp objects. "It's okay, 5006. We are cutting you open, but only for tests, Not punishment. Your okay." The second doctor soothed, but was no help in calming the frail boy.

The head doctor walked up to the bed and the others prepared him, raising the medical gown, exposing his stomach and fairly prominent ribs. One of the doctors leaves and the side doctor sanitized the area they were going to work on.

Suddenly, Izuku felt a jolt of pain and a warm substance coat his stomach. He started to struggle against the metal bindings holding him down, and the third doctor rushed in again and injected him with something. The world went black to Izuku and he felt numb.

What seemed like moments later, he wasn't numb anymore. He could feel things, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move or open his eyes. His limbs felt like bricks and his eyelids felt like they were glued shut.

He felt like he was thrown into water, and he knew he was back in that thing. It felt like time came to a grinding halt. All he could hear were muffled voices and the heart monitor. He cracked open his eyes, and he was correct. He was back in that weird tube like thing.

You see, it's kind of like a glass tube thing filled with a thick green substance. It's in the center of the laboratory, just like he was their little pet project. It preserves bodies and makes them go into a deep slumber. It also serves as a healing component.

Izuku got thrown into it a lot. Usually it means they won't be testing on him for one to three months. Throughout this time, he always falls in and out of consciousness. But even then, he can always hear muffled voices of other, unfamiliar people.

After this happened multiple times, he learned that they were scientist who were fascinated by the small omega.

He never had normal heats either. Infact, he's never had a heat. But he's 17, and should have gotten his first one five years prior. That was the only time he actually spoke out and didn't get punished for it. He asked why he didn't have normal heats and one of his masters just responded with 'Your infertile because of stress. Loosen up and listen. Then we may give you the privilege of carrying one of our children.' And he walked away.

He was about to fade from consciousness again before you heard more muffled voices. A surprisingly gruff voice resonated through the other room, and was audible through some of the others. He sounded angry. If I could smell his scent, I'd surly be shaking in fear; considering how angry he sounds.. The boy thinks.

Deciding it was pointless to sit numbly, he chose to instead listen in on the men's conversation.

"I just want to search the damn place to see if there is anything suspicious!" The unfamiliar voice yells angrily.

"I'm sorry, sir- Mr. Ground zero.. without the FBI's approval, we can't let any public eye, including hero eyes, to see what we are working on." One of the side scientists say, attempting to calm the angry pro.


"Sorry, Sir. The rules are the rules we have to follow by according to the law." The scientist responded, and the man let out an annoyed grunt before seemingly walking out of the lab.

Not even moments later, he was taken out of the gooey water and washed off. "Your fertility levels are going up. You've earned the privilege of caring my children, so your heat will start tomorrow. Be prepared to lose your virginity." His master says before walking into the next room.

The boy began to panic. I can't have a child. I'm only seventeen! I'm not ready for such commitment, especially when it's his child I will be carrying! He thinks before the nurses come to take him to a scent and soundproof room.

They lock him in the small room, with the most comfortable bed he's ever slept on. Even in such luxury, he couldn't calm the instincts inside him, telling him to somehow break out and run.

They did clean him up with sweet smelling soaps and warm water that he almost fell asleep in before locking him in here. He's never been pampered like this, as far his his brain could recall.

All the boy could do now was lay in the oh so comfortable bed and let himself drift from consciousness, letting the black nothingness engulf the boy. Aventualy, he fell into a comfortable dreamless sleep for the first time in what seemed like forever.


This was the first chapter! Please tell me how you liked it, and I apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes.

1028 words

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