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𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚐𝚘 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚌𝚔 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚖𝚢 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜!


  "Hey... You saved me.., right?" Izuku weakly choked out to his savior.

  "Umm.. yeah. I saved you.." he hesitantly told the truth, scared of the point the omega would make.

Just then, the omega attempted to stand, and almost fell. The alpha sprinted to him, catching him just before he hit the floor.

"Woah, woah. Why are you trying to stand? You just woke up.." the alpha asked. The boy looked at him surprised, like he's never been genuinely cared for. To be honest, the man wasn't all that surprised.

Laying him back in the bed, he sat the bed up so they could talk properly. "I'm sorry... Thank you for saving me."

"No problem. How are you feeling?" Katsuki asked.

"Okay I guess.. everything hurts. Especially in my lower ab- abdo- abdomen? Is that how you say it?" The uneducated boy spoke hesitantly, and Katsuki smiled.

"Yes. You got it right, don't worry." Katsuki reassures, and Izuku nods in response. "Also it makes sense because of that dumb bitch that I have now put in prison." Izuku smiles at him and how much he cares. Izuku then began to doze off and Katsuki just watched him, smiling. 

~| • |~

Katsuki sat there watching the peaceful rise and fall of the omega's chest for a while before walking out of the room and into the waiting room where Aizawa sat. Once getting there, he just stared at the man until he spoke.

"Ummm... Bakugou? Are you okay problem child?"

"I'm taking him home."


"I'm. Taking. Izuku. Home."

Aizawa sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger.

"He still needs a legal guardian and I don't think- with what seems to be your intentions- that you want to be his parent, so I'll legally adopt him and he will live at your place."

"Well that was fast. Already attached?"

Aizawa jumps at the loud man's sudden appearance and smiles seeing his son rubbing his eyes and his daughter with her hands in her hoodie pocket.

"Yeah.. he's very special, I can tell."

Then the two lovers lock loving eyes and share a short but sweet kiss. The thirteen year old turns and covers her eyes with a blank expression and the nineteen year old is passed out in one of the waiting room chairs.

I swear he can sleep anywhere.. Katsuki thinks before deciding to go back to Izuku's room. When he walked in he realized the boy was now awake again, and staring out of the window.

Upon hearing the door close, he looks in bakugou's direction and smiles seeing the.. hot and.. muscley- no. Nope. That's wrong. Stop. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, attempting to slow his heart rate and bring his flushed face back to normal.

"I have two good news!" Said the alpha. Izuku looked at him with a surprised and happy face. Oh how Izuku absolutely loved good news. The bad ones.. not so much, but that's valid.

"Oo, what is it!?" The boy says, face perking up and his demon tail wagging like a dog's. "1. You get to leave the hospital in a week! 2. You are going to be living with me!" Katsuki says with an excited expression, which was- in most people's opinions- peculiar considering the blonde's explosive attitude. 

The boy looked at him with a puzzled but excited expression. "Yay! But.. I will get a regular, normal room? And how many times will I be fed?" Katsuki looked at him with sympathetic features.

"Yes you get your own normal room and you can eat whenever you want." He said with a sigh before sitting in the chair that sits right next to the bed. Izuku looked excited as he turned his attention to the TV- which they had to teach him about.

~| • |~

Izuku is finally being released, and the day before, Katsuki had bought him actual clothes. His room was already set up. Even though Katsuki was a fairly popular hero and had a lot of money, he lived in a simple three bedroom apartment that had a small balcony. He didn't find the need for a big house considering he didn't have an omega or children.

The second room was originally a guest bedroom but now it's izuku's room.

The third is katsuki's office.

Katsuki reached to the door and unlocked it before pushing the door open and grabbing izuku's hand. He pulled the frail omegan boy into the apartment and dragged him to the room he would be staying in.

"This is your room. The closet is the only other door in the room. You have a TV, a bed, nightstands, and more. If you need anything just let me know. We are going shopping for nesting, and other omegan supplies, tomorrow." Katsuki said before running out, leaving Izuku puzzled, but yet fixated on the TV, which was playing a Disney movie. 

Katsuki sprints into the bathroom and locks it. I did not think this through.. he thought before starting up a cold shower. Why was he hard? That's a question he didn't know the answer to. He quickly stepped in and let out a sigh as his boner slowly dissipated.

He had never felt this way, even with super hot omegas. Maybe Izuku was special, but he was a minor, and in katsuki's mind, that's weird. He shook his head, flinging water everywhere before turning the water warm. He needed to shower anyways, so he grabbed his shampoo and began massaging the soapy substance into his scalp.

Izuku turned off the TV and slowly crept into the kitchen. He looked through the cupboard before finding English biscuits and walking back to his room with them. Snacking on a pack, he begins reading a book. He knew how to read because it was one of the experiments they performed on him when he was little. He knew how to read some of the hardest words.     

Reading the book, the flowing water from what was apparently the shower stopped. He put a bookmark in the book before putting it back and throwing the trash away. The boy was very serious about clutter, so he knew he was going to keep things clean. He ran to the bathroom door as Katsuki opened it, revealing him only in a towel.

Izuku blushed profusely before shaking his head and begining to ask his question.


Hello everyone. I'm so sick- haha still posted tho ( ・∇・)

Did you guys enjoy the chapter?

Please comment on the chapters, I like laughing at you guys' jokes.

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