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𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚐𝚘 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚌𝚔 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚖𝚢 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜!


Izuku had woken up to crimson red eyes staring at his still figure. He was fine with it though, he knew it was Katsuki. Those beautiful red loving eyes were all to familiar to the omega already. He smiled at the blonde and yawned with watery eyes.

The blonde sat up and looked to the omega again. "we got shit to do today, so hurry up and get dressed please." The alpha said and got up from the bed. Grabbing black trousers, which were ripped at the knees, and a red shirt, he walked out and went into the bathroom. Izuku didn't hear the water running, so he assumed he was just getting dressed.

Soon enough the blonde walked out fully dressed and as hot as ever in Izuku's eyes. Katsuki sighed. "your not dressed yet?"

The omega looked guilty and stood up, walking out of the room and to his own. He took out a black shirt and white ripped jeans. He slipped them on as Katsuki thought him and he looked into the mirror. It's missing something.. he thought before his face lit up and he ran to a small julary stand. He grabbed a silver necklace with a red ruby dangling from it. He liked it so much because it reminded him of the alpha that resided in the next room.

Slipping on his iconic air force 1's, he gave himself one more glance through the mirror, touching up his hair and running out. He was so excited to be going somewhere. He hasn't seen the city since he was around four as far as he could remember, and he doesn't really remember anything about his life before the lab.

He walked into the kitchen to find Katsuki eating an apple, and tapped him on the shoulder. The alpha, not realizing he was there until that moment, jumped before calming at the familiar cute freckled face.

"Alright, ready to go?"

~| • |~

Izuku didn't expect the mall to be so friggin HUGE. Katsuki had directed him through it, but they almost got separated a few times. The thought of being in a place like this without Katsuki absolutely petrified him.

He reaches over to Katsuki, but looks around, seeing a man with a face he couldn't see looking in his direction directly behind him. The man walks towards them and bumps Izuku before walking away.


Shaking off the terrible thoughts, he grabs ahold of katsuki's hand and they both blush. "so I don't get lost.." Izuku reasons. Katsuki just shrugs and pulls him along.

They both run through the mall, searching for the omegan supply store before finally reaching the destination and, quite frankly, Izuku was a little embarrassed. It's kinda like a teen girl shopping for her first bra. It was terrible.

(COUGH COUGH relatable)

Katsuki walked around and pointed things out, telling their purpose and why they exist in the first place. It wasn't that bad to the omega until they got to the whole sex toy subject.

"Okay.. so this may be a little embarrassing, but.. these are sex toys."

Izuku looked at him with a puzzled expression before peacing everything together. A heavy blush that made him look like a tomato sprouted against his sun-kissed skin. It was so red it rivaled kirishima's hair. 

They then ran around the store to get the rest of the supplies needed. After leaving, they passed by an ice cream shop and Izuku looked at h- the alpha with pleading eyes. The young adult sighed and walked to the shop, asking for vanilla, but considering he knows Izuku has never actually had ice cream and only heard them from katsuki's stories, he just chose mint chocolate chip.

He walked up to the teen and handed him the wonderful thing you call ice cream. Izuku took one lick and instantly fell in love. Katsuki realized this, and let out a small deep chuckle and even though it was barely noticeable, he was smiling.

Izuku noticed and was glad he was able to make the usually angry boy happy.

They were going to head home after stopping for food. Izuku had a burger, which he obviously loved.

They went home and took all of the omegan supplies to Izuku's room, which he put into his closet for later use before going back to Katsuki to hang out.

"Are you not going to build your nest?" Katsuki reminded him. His face turned red in embarrassment.

"U-uhm.. can I have a few of your dirty clothes..?" Katsuki smirked before going to his room and coming out with some used shorts from when he worked out, his favorite hoodie, and three shirts.

Izuku quickly bowed as a thank you and rushed into his room, slamming and locking the door. He went into his closet and got out all of the nesting materials they bought a few hours prior. he mentally sighed before assessing all of the materials.

"Ok I can put those pillows there for the base.. and then maybe later that with a blanket and then a few more small blankets.. only if kacchan would scent them.." he mumbled absentmindedly. He quickly brightened. It was like a lightbulb went off in his head. He gathered five thin blankets and ran to Katsuki.

"Can you scent these, kacchan..?" Katsuki blushed at the newfound nickname before nodding and bringing the blankets up to his scent glands one by one, rubbing them for around 5 minutes each. He wanted to be thorough with the scenting because he wanted his scent to be all over the omega and his nest.

Izuku smiled happily and bowed a thanks before excitedly rushing into his room again and finally putting everything together.

He did exactly what he planned. He wrapped one big blanket around the base, which was a pile of pillows crafted into a circle like bed. He then built the edges of the nest with the excess pillows.

He wrapped those in the scented blankets and then put katsuki's scented clothing into the small nooks that were made. He sighed before thinking that something was missing. He had another idea and then grabbed the rest of his owned pillows and made most of the walls a little taller, except from the exit which stayed as low as the base. The then placed his last blanket over it, forming a roof.

He was so satisfied. The reason he wanted all of this to be the way it was, was because of his paternal instincts. Omega's still have them even if they aren't parents. He wanted to take the precautions just incase he had pups. Honestly though, if he was in his right mind, he wouldn't want pups. He had never wanted them.

~| • |~

"Did you find him?"

"Yeah boss. But the hero prick ground zero was with him. Y'know, the one that took 'em?"

"That's fine. That asshole will get what he deserves for stealing my toy.."


Recently got report cards and did good. My dad finally said he was proud of me 😌

1190 words.

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