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𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚐𝚘 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚌𝚔 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚖𝚢 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜!



  "Can I sleep with you tonight?" The omega asked Katsuki, who had a confused look on his face. "I don't think I'm ready to be alone. Anxiety." Katsuki shrugs and nods, indicating his agreement. "YaY! Also.. I ate all your English biscuits.." he said with guilt. The alpha laughed at him and reassured that it was fine, and that there wasn't any need to feel guilty.

They sat down and watched a Disney movie while eating more snacks. Izuku threw up from eating to much, but Izuku being Izuku made sure to eat more afterwards. It seemed as though Katsuki didn't need to help him learn how to eat more. He was subconsciously doing it himself.

"You need to take a shower. The nurses helped you last time, and the time before that, but you have to take one. They aren't here to help you." Katsuki pointed out. Izuku looked at him with a sad face before he suddenly lit up. "Then you can help me!" He exclaimed with a smile.

Katsuki kinda just sat there processing the entire situation. Was he ok? No. He was blushing so hard that blood started trickling from his nose.

Izuku panicked and ran to the bathroom, getting slightly damp cloth and running back. He dabbed the cloth on the boy's nose, ridding of the blood before instructing him to hold it there. The doctors taught Izuku this.

Katsuki was back to reality and was attempting to calm the boy down, for he was crying thinking it was his fault. And in reality, yes, it was his fault, but I'm a good way. Katsuki pulled him into a hug, and the boy hugged back, his tail joining and pulling them close together. They both had realized a few days before that it has a mind of its own most of the time.

After a while, the boy calmed and they began preparing the bath. Izuku had reassured Katsuki that he was fine with Katsuki seeing him bare, and that he wanted katsuki's help. Katsuki ran the water, instructing the smaller on how to do it so he wouldn't have to do this again. Quite frankly, it felt almost illegal. Who knows, maybe it was. It was the fact that Izuku was a minor and yet he was seeing him naked. Although he already did on the night he found the boy, he was saving him. It wouldn't be illegal to date the boy though, considering the country they live in.

Even then, he found it quite weird. He was snapped out of his thoughts when Izuku tapped him on the shoulder. He turned the boys way and blushed harshly at the site. There the boy sat, naked, awaiting to take a bath. "can you take one with me?" The boy asked. "I already took a shower today, but fine." The Alpha said, attempting to act annoyed at the boys request, but failed.

The boy giggled happily and walked to the tub. He felt the water after Katsuki turned the faucet off and then dipped his foot in it. He nods to Katsuki before slowly sitting down. "take your clothes off and join..!" He practically demands before covering his mouth. "I'm so sorry..! I didn't mean for it to come out like that!" He said, practically sobbing. Katsuki was shocked. "It's fine! Your fine!" He says before quickly taking his clothes off and slipping himself behind the omega.

He -almost sexually- held the omega until he calmed down. Then he nuzzled into katsuki's arm and looked up at him. Katsuki felt like he died, went to heaven, and then came back. The omega smiled at his reaction. He knows what he's doing.. Katsuki thought before grabbing both of the boy's cheeks and pulling their lips dangerously close together. As the omega closed his eyes the alpha pulled away. "no."

He then wet izuku's hair as he pouted.

~| • |~

Katsuki got out and dried the boy off and even went as far as to dress him for the hell of it. As they finish, they go to the living room and cuddle, weirdly already super attached to eachother. The omega found the alphas masculine scent soothing and it also made him horny. With that, of course he's completely addicted to the alpha. He keeps shaking the thought of the man burying himself deep inside of him, and imagining his stomach all round, full of the alphas pups.

We just met.. but oh how I want him to demolish me.. but maybe not.. it hurt when master did it.. but he was doing it wrong.. at least that's what alp- Mr. Katsuki said. He snuggled further into the blonde and almost fell asleep before they heard a knock at the front door. Izuku whimpered as he was separated from Katsuki, before looking towards the door, which Katsuki had now opened. There stood his adoptive father and younger sister. Yes, he was already attached to his new family. He jumped up and ran to his sister, giving her a hug.

"Hi Eri!" He yells, giving her a tight squeeze. She squeezes back just as tightly before letting go and looking at Katsuki. She winks before turning towards her dad and smiling.

Katsuki lets them inside and makes them tea while talking.

"So.. how has living here been?" Aizawa asked Izuku who quickly got excited.

"It's amazing. I really like living with kacchan!" He answers, quickly covering his mouth at the unintentional use of the nickname.

Katsuki spun around really fast. "kacchan?"

"That's... Your new nickname." Izuku said. Katsuki realized he didn't really have much of a choice other than to except it and nod.

Izuku looked even happier if it was possible. He was very glad that Katsuki liked his nickname. Hell, he was smiling like a schoolgirl who just got asked out by their crush.

Katsuki finished up with the tea and gave it to their guests.

"Are you planning on going shopping for.. supplies." Aizawa suddenly asks Katsuki.

"Yes. We are planning on doing that tomorrow. For now, I'm letting him adjust to not being in the hospital. Baby steps."

"Alright then." Aizawa checks the time and sees it is now getting late. "I must be going then. Bye. Eri, come on." He says before the 9 year old jumps from her chair, bows at Katsuki, and grabs ahold of his hand.

"Wait!" She yells and runs up to Izuku, giving him another tight squeeze. "by Onii-chan!" He giggles and says his goodbyes before she runs back to her dad.

~| • |~

  It was now late at night, and Izuku had stumbled into katsuki's room where he was laying shirtless. He looked at Katsuki with expecting eyes and Katsuki sighed before reaching his arm out and scooting over. The omega crawled to Katsuki and plopped on top of his arm, snuggling into his bare chest. Katsuki set his phone down, making sure it was plugged up, before wrapping his arms around the younger. Izuku's tail wrapped around katsuki's torso and he turned off the light with telekinesis, surprising Katsuki. 

After a few minutes of snuggling, they both fell still and quiet, letting sleep overcome them.


Hi, so I'm not very sick anymore, Which is good. I did cough up blood at some point. I'm fine now and I'ma sleep because ✨sleep✨.

1204 words



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