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𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚐𝚘 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚌𝚔 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚖𝚢 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜!


Katsuki was so angry, he was seeing red. Red red. They took his omega. He would not just stand by and tolerate somebody taking and hurting what was his.

Katsuki walked all around the house again, this time with gloves and a ziplock bag, so that the police could get things together sooner, in a way.

I don't know, I just need something to do.. he thought.

He never expected that someone would try to take his omega from him. Ever. He didn't think anyone would dare mess with what was, again, his. He hated when people decided to fuck with him. Let him rephrase that, He hated when people decided to try and fuck with him. It pissed him off.

He would get his omega back. No 'maybe's no 'who knows', he will.

~| • |~

Everything was fuzzy. And when he said fuzzy, he meant fuzzy. He couldn't think strait. From his heat or the sedatives, who knows.

Waking up in a van that smelled of the epitome of 'burnt' wasn't the most appealing good morning. Not flattering or enjoyable at all. One of the more uncomfortable aspects of this kidnapping was the feeling of the rope cutting at his skin. The bruises he couldn't see, but feel.

How long was he out?

Izuku really hoped someone would find him. Anyone. Anyone that would bring him back to katsuki.

"Kacchan.." he whimpered. Him and his omega both miss the alpha dearly. 

As he wept, an abrupt jerk of the car sent him to bang different body parts on the side of the hard van walls.

He was sore, and startled. He was away from his alpha, and his nest while he was in the most vulnerable state he could be in. He hated this. He hated his heat. He hated his quirks. He hated his horns and tail, he hated his former master, he hated science labs, he hated anything that had to do with his past as an experiment.

The road was apparently really bumpy. That, or they were trying to bruise him. 

Suddenly, it stopped again, but completely this time. Light flooded the van, but he was too weak to move his body. A masked man walked up to the back, and picked him up bridal style.

It was, quite frankly, an uncomfortable position to be in, especially from someone who he didn't know, and definitely didn't want to be touching him. The man carried him to a building. It looked like a fine estate on the outside, but the inside was even more fancy. It was the entry to a casual science lab.

The man walked down the long corridor, on the far end of the estate. He assumed workers lived there and didn't get paid as much as normal. At the end of the living courter's hall, there was a table. There were candles, and a skull in the middle. The skull was surrounded by flowers. It seemed as though it had a quirk on it, because the man put his index and middle fingers into the eye sockets of it, and a padlock came into view.

It came out of the skull's forehead, and he pressed the buttons 5006. His old experiment number.. it sat tattooed on his wrist. He had long forgotten about it now.

The man backed up, and a secret door opened up. As the mechanism sensed a presence coming through the door, and no more at the entrance, it closed. Another long winding path, and then a staircase to go down, and they were completely underneath the company building.

He walked into a room. It looked a lot like the room he used to have, when he was an experiment. The man walked up yet another staircase, to the top of the container filled with a disgusting green liquid. The same liquid he was in last time. He was already fully unclothed, because of his heat.

The weird substance that they injected into him might have caused him to not have another wave so quickly. And they were probably the ones to cause it as well.

Suddenly, he felt pain on his arms, legs, chest, head, and jaw as he felt plenty of hands touch him all over the place. Before he knew it, he was hooked up to wires and tubes, a mask being placed on his jaw to keep him from ingesting the liquid.

After they were done, izuku heard beeping from a monitor and computer, and a machine start as it forced him to breath at a steady pace. He was injected with yet another substance, yet this time, when everything turned black, he just felt like he was sleeping. But before he finally let the darkness swallow him, he heard a "don't worry, you'll only be in here for a day, and then you will be mated by your master~" and then he felt fluid surround his body, as he was dropped in the tank.

~| • |~

Katsuki was pacing around the lobby of his agency, waiting for the other heros to arrive. He told them it was urgent, yet nobody was here yet?

Suddenly, Earaserhead barged through the agency doors. "They took him!?"

"THATS WHAT I CALLED YOU ABOUT, BUT YOU JUST HUNG UP ON ME AFTER I TOLD YOU!" I yelled back. "But whatever, this is urgent, get to meeting room 3c on the second floor. Now."

Aizawa ran to the elevators, pushing the second floor button. Bakugou waited impatiently for all of the other heros. When kirishima got there, he noticed how antsy katsuki was, so he dragged bakugou to the bathroom, and just hugged him for a while.

It wasn't effortless, because Katsuki kept trying to push him away, but he wasn't gonna give up that easily. After a while, katsuki just relaxed in his arms, and kirishima ran his fingers through spikey ash-blonde hair.

Katsuki just closed his eyes and relaxed further into the redhead.

After a while, they exited the bathroom. They saw uraraka standing at the entrance. Katsuki's blood started to boil. His ex, who cheated on him, was standing right in front of him, on her phone. He was already on edge, and this definitely didn't help his nerves.

He shook it off, this was about deku, damnit. He was going to save his deku. 3c, second floor, let's go.

"Kay." Uraraka said, not looking up from her phone. Bakugou grabbed the hood of her hoodie, and dragged her to the elevator.

"Why did I even tell you to come..?" He said, pressing the second floor button. Kirishima patted his shoulder.

"You got this, man!" He yelled.

"Let's do this shit."


Yay, another chapter out!!

X̽x̽J̽u̽s̽t̽×A̽n̽×E̽x̽p̽e̽r̽i̽m̽e̽n̽t̽x̽X̽ 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐤𝐮 𝗼𝗺𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞Where stories live. Discover now