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𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚐𝚘 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚌𝚔 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚖𝚢 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜!


When Mr. Aizawa arrived, he looked into the unknown boy's background. He has no relatives that are still breathing, no criminal record, and he is an omega. He is 17, and his birthday is in three months.  After learning he was raped, from finding tearing in his insides through tests, they tested him for pregnancy.

Thankfully, he wasn't pregnant. After even more examination, they discovered that his old fertility rates were 98%.

Damn he is fucking fertil! Katsuki thought. The doctors explained that at the moment, he's too stressed to carry children. He only has a 4% chance of getting pregnant, and after that, it's not guaranteed he will make it through without having a miscarriage.

He has 21 quirks. That's literally fucking insane! Was katsuki's first thought. Then he remembered seeing just how many scars he had, seeing how torn his insides were, and seeing just how damaged he was. There really was no telling on how his mental health was either.

After assessment, Katsuki sat in the chair next to the omega's bed. Feeling bad for the omega, he was lost in thought. Where will he go when he gets out of the hospital? That's if he even makes it out of here alive. Maybe I could...

After thinking for quite a while, he finally made his decision.

He stands up, and walks out of the room. After arriving at the waiting room, he buys a sandwich from the vending machine. Unwrapping it, he take a bite before a little girl walk up to him.

"Ground zero? Is that you?" The little girl asks.

"Yeah kid. What do you want?"

"Can I get your autograph? My Onii-chan would be very happy after he got out of surgery if he had it.."


feeling bad for the kid, bakugou takes her little book and pen, writing his hero name and handing it back to her. She wears a big smile before bowing and running up to her mum, showing the book to her.

Bakugou smiles slightly, barely noticable as he take the elevator back to the room the boy was in. Sitting down in the chair next to the bed, he begins talking to the unconscious boy. Saying things like 'get up, fucker' and 'I can't believe I'm saying this, but please wake up'

Sighing, he walks out again to see Mr. Aizawa. Throwing away his trash, he walks up to his former sensei.

"I'm going home. Call me when he wakes up, please?"

"Oh- you said please? Surprising" that comment earned him a glare from the taller, younger alpha. "Okay then. I will."

Walking off, bakugou heads home to his three bedroom apartment. Once he unlocks the door and goes inside, he slammed the keys on the small bar in the kitchen, stretching. Just then, he hears a barking noise.

"Hey Akito.. are you hungry?"

Akito barks in response, earning a chuckle from the blonde. He takes the scoop and gets the appropriate amount for the pup. Pouring it into his bowl, he pats the dog's head and walks to his room. Grabbing gray sweats with a black stripe down the side, a black tank, and boxers.

Walking to his bathroom, he turns on the scolding hot water and undresses himself. Looking at all the scars littering his once perfect body, he shakes his head and steps into the shower. The burning water relaxes his muscles, and he sighs in relaxation.

Watching the water turn brown and trickle down his body, he grabs his pine scented shampoo and squirts it into his hand. Massaging the bubbling soap into his hair, he lets out a low rumble in comfort before rinsing he soap out. Then he washed his body with a non scented body wash before turning the water off and wrapping himself in a towel. He sighs again from finally feeling clean, and drys off. While getting dressed, Akito runs into the room and hops on his bed.

"Hey boy." He says, patting the dog's head.

Slipping his shirt over his head, he rubs his eyes and checks the time. 10:23? How long was I at the hospital? He shakes his head and lays down. Then, his phone vibrates. Urgent to see if it was Aizawa or not, he quickly grabs his phone. It was only Kirishima.

Hey man!:
Heard u were off tmr.:
Wanna hang?:
Read. 10:23 pm

:Have an omega in a coma.
:Gotta make sure he makes it, y'know?
:Also, stop texting me this late. I'm fucking tired.
Read. 10:24 pm.

His phone dinged a few more times, but he ignored it. Then his phone began wringing. I swear to God if it's kiri- picking it up, he realizes that it's Aizawa.


"Calm down bakugou. The omega.. his heart stopped."

"He's dead?!"

"No. They had to bring him back. He's not stable, but he's alive."

"Oh, ok. Why did you call me?"

"You need to come here. There is no telling when he will awaken at the moment and I want you to know everything that happens when it happens."


Bakugou hangs up the phone, slipping shoes on lazily. He didn't want to go, let alone change into something else.

Getting into his car, he drives 20 minutes down the road, attempting to not fall asleep behind the wheel. Once arriving, Aizawa greets him and begins walking to the room, Bakugou following close behind.

Standing in front of the door, Aizawa puts his hand on Bakugou's shoulder.

"Good luck." He says before pushing the younger through the now opened door. Confused, Bakugou looks back at the door to find it closed again. Turning around he is met with..

The most beautiful emerald green eyes he's ever seen.


Hello everyone. Sorry, this chapter was shorter than average but I have a test coming up that I have to study hard for, because this is a serious grade. 😭

1016 words

(Again, sorry this was the bare minimum for how many words are acceptable)

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