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𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚐𝚘 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚌𝚔 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚖𝚢 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜!


It had been a few weeks since Izuku and Katsuki went to the mall, and they were both expecting something that neither were excited for. Sadly, something like this is inevitable considering it's basic omegan nature.

Izuku's heat was coming up in the next day or so. Katsuki had just told Izuku to read all the boxes that had something to do with omegan heat and otherwise said good luck. If Izuku needed assistance during the heat, he could ask for it. If he already knew about something, there was no point in explaining the already known. Just to save some embarrassment.

At the moment, they were snuggled up on the couch, quite frankly looking like a couple. If any ordinary person walked in, they would most likely say 'cute couple' and walk away. Katsuki and Izuku we're well aware, but didn't care because it wasn't like they were actually dating.

Izuku yawned, and Katsuki knew it was about time for bed. He picked up the omega and brought him into the bedroom, getting one of the omega's pairs of sweatpants and one of his shirts, which would be oversized on the boy. He set him on the bed and turned around, allowing him to get dressed. The omega gave him a small tap when he was finished and they walked to the bathroom to finish preparing for bed. 

Katsuki helped Izuku brush his teeth, still teaching him how to do everyday tasks, one step at a time. He didn't want to take things to fast because the omega was locked in a science lab less than a month ago and they still weren't entirely sure if he was completely stable in the brain yet. Who knows, the boy could kill hundreds with his quirks if he became too upset, angry, or just overwhelmed in general.

Katsuki knew he had a good heart and that there wasn't anything truly wrong with him, but he couldn't just demand them to stop letting him go to therapy and doctors appointments. Sighing, he finished washing the omega's face and picked him up again. Izuku willingly wrapped his legs around the alphas waist and snuggled into his scent glands, puting full trust into the man.

Katsuki smiled and carried Izuku to the bed, gently laying him on the mattress they still shared. Izuku only used his room during the day, otherwise he and Katsuki shared one. It was interesting to say the least but neither really minded. They enjoyed eachothers warmth while laying down, and enjoyed waking up to eachother as well.

As long as they were both comfortable, it didn't matter. It wasn't like anything inappropriate was happening between them or anything. Katsuki thought he was cute, yes, but dating a minor when he was an adult just didn't sit right with him. Maybe when Izuku wasn't a minor anymore, he would reconsider, but for now, Izuku was completely off limits in his eyes. 

Was that bad?

No. Katsuki had boundaries that wouldn't be changing anytime soon. He wouldn't let anyone change his mind. If your an adult, don't date a 17 year only boy and that's that. He didn't care about the fact that it was only two years apart, he cares about Izuku being a minor.

Either way, he still loved Izuku. And that was also fine, he just didn't need to be a perv and start making moves to seduce the MINOR. You couldn't stress this enough in Katsuki's eyes.

Even then, if you were an 18 or 19 year old dating a 17 year old he didn't mind. It was legal, and none of his business personally. He would just feel disgusting if he, himself did it.

Shaking those thoughts from his mind, he finally begins to close his eyes until he hears light snoring coming from the boy next to him.

He flings the blanket off of himself and stands, walking out of the door and to his office to fill out paperwork.

There were mountains upon mountains of things he needed to get done, but just didn't have the energy, let alone time to do them. He had an entire human being to take care of, and he had a lot of appointments to schedule.    

He read through all of his agency's reports on villain attacks, leads for crimes committed, and more.

Right now, though, he was mainly trying to find out who exactly did those things to Izuku.

The alpha wanted revenge, and he wanted it now.

He turned on his phone, unlocking it before immediately dialing someone's number.

"Hey, shitty hair. I want you to help me with a case.. yeah, yeah. Yes, it has something to do with 'the omega in my house right now'.. so will you? Great."

Katsuki hung up the phone, smirking sinisterly at the idea of getting revenge on whoever has hurt the boy in the other room.

Now he had a meeting with a few heros the next day, and he was kind of concerned for Izukus heat, but figured it would be fine.

He was going to devise a plan so the alpha prick who hurt Izuku would get what he deserved.

Katsuki couldn't wait to hurt that son of a bitch.

He chuckled at the thought and put everything away. He was on leave anyway, so it didn't matter much. He walked down the short hallway from the small room that wasn't on the contract for the apartments, but his landlord just winked when he brought it up, and it was now his office.

He walked to his room and layed down next to Izuku. The smaller stirred in his sleep at the bed dipping from katsukis weight, and that plopping and creaking sounds katsuki had caused in his carelessness, but it didn't wake him up. That was interesting, because Izuku usually always wakes up at such large movements.

In deep thought, he looked at izuku up and down after sitting up again, but nothing indicated that his heat was nearing. Katsuki just shrugged it off and gently layed back down , careful to not startle the teen currently in a deep slumber.

Kataukis eyes grew heavier by the second until he closed his eyes, letting sleep swallow him as he drifted off into a dreamless, long slumber. 

He would find out just what was wrong with the omega tomorrow.


I shaved my legs, and my brother asked to feel them freshly shaved. I responded with yes and when he felt it, he said "UgaH! iT FeElS LiKe a bAlD MaNs hEaD!!"

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