Chapter~13 A present for me?

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I'm ice cream crazy! (The Olsen twins! Memories) *throws ice cream at you* Eat it. Don't waste. Enjoy! (I always throw stuff hehe)

*Skylar's POV*

"Where are we going?" I ask as I enter the front seat of Caleb's car.

"You'll see." He smiled getting into the drivers seat.

I tried to put on the seatbelt, but it was stuck. I groan in frustration. I try again, but it still didn't work.

"Here let me help you," Caleb chuckles.

He turns his body towards me. He then leans closer to me and grabs the seatbelt from the side of my seat. I freeze from our closeness, he was only about three inches away from me. He wraps the seatbelt around me before clicking it in. He looked up at me his brown eyes staring straight into my own.

Why do his eyes have to look like chocolate?

My heat starts beating. Stop it heart! What is going on?

"Uh, um, toes!" I blurted out. He blinked and then shook his head. He turn his body back forward and turned the engine on.


As we drove to wherever he was taking us, it was quite. I looked out the window the whole drive.

Caleb parked and stepped out of the car and so did I. Holding my backpack on my shoulders, I watched as he opened the truck and got something out. He quickly hid it inside a bag before I can see.

"What's in there?" I ask curiously.

"Oh nothing," he smiled cheekily. He closed the truck and walked over to me.

"Follow me." As I followed him I looked around. We were at a forest with lots of trees. There was a big river with a few people on canoes.

"What is this place?" I ask, but he just ignored me and kept walking. He walked through the pathway in the small forest to the boats and canoes. There was a lady next to them.

"Hello there, how may I help you?" The women asked with a smile. She was wearing a T- shirt that had Water Paddle written on it.

"We would like to rent a canoe please," Caleb replied politely.

"Yes, of course. You can have this one. The rule is you only could go to the bridge and back. But you could circle around if you'd like." The lady explained handing Caleb two paddles.

"Alright, this is for one hour," Caleb gives the women some money before turning to me with a smile.

"Let's go." I wanted to protest but since he paid I decided I won't complain.

He got us a boat/canoe. "Come on." He got inside the canoe and motioned me to seat on the seat opposite side of him. I get on the boat and sit down.

He starts to paddle along the river. I have never been on a canoe before so it feels weird. Opening my backpack, I take out my book for English, a notebook, and a black pen.

"I see you have English. Do you need to write a report?" Caleb asked paddling.

"Not a report. Mr. Mossel wants us to read this book," I hold up the book, "and then give us a test on it."

"That doesn't sound to hard," he says with a smile.

"It's hard. This book doesn't even make sense and I hate reading," I complained.

He shakes his head smiling. "Skye, don't worry I'll help you."

"How?" I asked.

"I'll read it to you, and help you understand what it's about," he answered.

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