Chapter~34 I Demand A Retest!

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Oh my cookies!!!!! Qkdnoahdks!!

It's been a month! This is so bad I haven't updated for so long. Wanna hear my stupid excuse? School. I was super focused on school and passing tests, since we had one like every single day. My brain can't was hurting from so much studying!! But I'm like whatever schools school I have to update!

Here I am! Sucky chapter but I'm gonna updating faster only like 3 chapters left too! So sad :(
Anyway, I hope this chapter will make you guys forgive me?

Come on, you love me cookies, right?

(Best song to dance to! >.<)

ENJOY! *throws 19273618 cookies at you* You must be really hungry it's been years! Hope you like it!!

*Caleb's POV*

I decided I wasn't going to let Skylar not graduate this year. I was going to do something to make her graduate.

I open my car door and jump inside. I turned on the engine and backed out of my driveway quickly. I started driving towards Skylar's school.

While I was driving, my mind went back to my schools basketball game that was only a few days ago. I thought about how shocked, confused, and relived I was to see Skylar.

I thought about how she was running away from me. Making me chase her. I chuckled. This girl drove me crazy.

I thought of how scared and nervous I was after confessing how I felt to her. Thinking she'd just push me away and reject me. I was so happy and relieved when she didn't. She confessed back. I was shocked no, astonished to hear that this whole time she's liked me too, and just hated the fact that she did.

That's just Skylar for you. That cute stubborn silly girl. My Orange.

I arrived at the schools parking lot and parked my car. Here I go. Getting out of the car, I quickly make my over to the school doors.

Opening the school doors, I storm to the principal office and slam the door open. I look at the old man sitting at the desk, watching as he typed on his computer. Did me slamming the door open not get his attention? I see how this is. I rush over to his desk before smacking my hand on this desk.

"Mr. Principal, I demand a retest!" I shout. He slowly turns his head and gives me a dazed look.

"And you are?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I am Caleb Scott, sir," I said proudly with a big smile.

"Mr. Scott, hmm, do even go to this school?"

"Well, no, but-" I was about to say 'I'm here for a good reason' but he rudely interrupts me. How churlish of him. Where are his manners?

"Why are you here then?" He asked, leaning back on his chair.

"I am here to demand a retest for Skylar Howard," I answer with a nod.

"A retest for what exactly?"

"For Math, she failed the final test, but if you would be so kind and give her another chance, she can pass it!" I tell him, hoping he will consider my request, or more of demand.

"That's not possible, I'm sorry," he says. I mentally scoff sorry? Yeah right.

"Why not? I really don't see the problem." All this guy has to do is let Skylar take the test again. It's simple really. I don't quite get his problem.

"I can't let her take a retest. That's not how it works in this school. I don't just let people take retests when they ask," he replied.

"But I'm not asking Mr. Principal, I'm demanding," I correct him.

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