Chapter~21 My Son Is An Idiot

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Hi! Again!

Lalalalala it goes around the world and lalaalala! I really don't want to edit this now! Lalalaal I'll edit is later... Excuse my mistakes!! There's probably a lalalaloot!

*starts to sing* If I told you that I Lala loved you!


ENJOY! *throws chocolate peanut butter cookies at you*

*Skylar's POV*

It was finally Saturday. The weekend. The day you're supposed to relax because there isn't school. For me, that's not how it worked. I had school on Saturday. Well not literally but tutoring is learning, and learning is something you do at school, so it's basically school on Saturday.

I was in the kitchen making a sandwich for lunch. I put 2 pieces of beard in the toaster and waited for it to cook. When they both popped up, I took the 2 pieces and started to spread peanut butter on them. I finished and smushed them together. I smile satisfied at my creation before walking to the couch where my dad was. I think we both watch TV too much.

"Look dad I could cook. This sandwich proves it." I smiled, showing him my lovely sandwich created my me.

"Wow, I'm impressed." He gives a thumbs up. "Your father is proud of you."

"Why thank you," I bowed.

"You are absolutely positively welcomed, but did you make me a sandwich also?" He asked.

I roll my eyes. "Make your own, lazy." I recalled what my dad said to me when I didn't cook for myself.

"Fine, I'll make my own. I'm only doing this to prove to you that I am not lazy," he says getting up from the couch.

"Right, keep telling yourself that," I tell him before sitting on the couch with my sandwich.

"I will." He said proudly. He then walked away and into the kitchen.


My dad went to the store because he said I finished all the peanut butter and he had to buy more.

I was in my room sitting by my desk. I was watching shows and YouTube videos on my laptop, but I got bored. I moved with my rolling chair, and started spinning.

I was just that bored.

I hear a sneeze.

"Bless you," I say before I stop spinning and turn towards the sounds.

"H-," a sneeze, "hey orange." It was Caleb, his voice was low and raspy.

"Oh, Caleb," I say in a bored tone.

He coughs.

"Are you okay?" I asked. "You look funny," I say honestly.

"I'm sick, what do you expect." He shrugged.

"You're sick? How?" I asked.

"How am I supposed to know how I got sick?" He shrugged. "I woke up like this."

"That sucks for you," I said.

"Wow, you're a great help," he said sarcastically.

"You want me to help you get better?" I asked.

"Nothing works, let's just get tutoring over with." He walks fully into my room and sits on my bed.

"I like the way you're thinking today," I smiled, getting up from the chair to get my backpack. I open it up and get my math text book and English my novel. I take a seat beside him and open the math book up.

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