Chapter~20 Chit Chat

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Would you look at that another updated....?

I WISH I WAS STRONG ENOUGH TO LIFT NOT ONE BUT BOTH OF US! That song is stuck in my head! Bob the builder sings it with Taylor chocolate swift! Now, it shall get this song in your heads! Remember, it's all because I love you! <33

This chapter is really weird and ummm, but it's just a filler. And I will try to make the next one longer for you guys :)

Okie.... Hope you like cookies!

ENJOY! *throws colorful gummy worms at you*

*Skylar's POV*

"Dad, I'm want breakfast." I was sitting on the stool by the island in the kitchen, watching my dad open the fridge. I was hungry and mom already left to work.

"So make something lazy," dad replied with an eye roll.

"Can you make me something?" I asked. He chuckled and shook his head.

"Honey, you need to learn how to cook. It will help you in life. As I've told you before, food is life." I rolled my eyes.

I don't want to cook. It's too hard and it just reminds me of math. You have to know fraction and all that. I mean I know them but I hate working them out for a waste. Well.... It isn't a waste... It is food. Dad is right food is life. Why do we have to cook? Why can't we just have some robot person do it for us?

"But, I don't know how to cook," I replied. I really didn't know how. I don't want the house to get burn because of me. My mom will seriously kill me I'm an instant. And if I make a mess, tang won't be good either. My mom hates when the kitchens messy.

"Why don't you learn? How about I teach you something?" He offered.

I shrugged. "Okay, fine. What did you have in mind?" I asked.

"I don't know how to cook much either since your mom usually cooks, but I do know some things, like, soup." He smiled.

"Soup?" I asked shocked. Soup? The first thing I though of were cookies. Cookies were my second favorite thing in the whole wide world besides gummy bears.

"Yes, simple and easy to make. I think it'd be good for you," he said. He then started to take things out of the fridge. Onions, carrots, sweet potatoes, Dill, parsley, parsnips, and some random vegetables.

It wouldn't take a genius to guess that we were going to make vegetables soup. You know I'm smart, I don't need a tutor. Too bad I stink at math and all the other subjects.

I watched as he closed the fridge and opened the cabinets. He started collecting, dry split peas, some garlic powder, and grape seed oil. I jumped off of the stool and over to where my dad was standing.

"Now look, all you would do is start cutting the vegetables," he said before handing me a knife. Wow, that's sharp. I wasn't always good with sharp things, it's all because of that stupid pencil. Once I accidentally poked my eye with a pencil after sharpening it. Lucky for me, there wasn't a huge damage, my eyes just killed for a few days.

Shaking my thoughts out of my head, I got the chop board out and started slicing onions, then potatoes, then the carrots, until I was finished with all.

I still had an hour still school started. My dad woke me up early, so we could be able to watch our favorite show on TV. For some reason the people decide it would be on at six thirty in the morning. I'm telling you people are crazy.

"Now pore it into the bowl," dad says handing me a big bowl. I nod and throw in all the vegetables I just chopped.

"Now, all we do is put it in the pot to let it boil and wait," he said simply. I smiled and watched as he put the pot on the stove and turned it on.

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