Chapter~23 The End

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DUN DUN DUN.........

Smile :) Brighter then a shooting star, shine no matter where you are! OWL CITY! *high five* if you love owl city???

Dedicated to Johalex for making me laugh so much with her comments.


ENJOY! *throws you fifty bags of cookies and gummy bears*

*Caleb's POV*

I was at basketball practice shooting hoops and practicing my skills. I'm able to leave because practice was over, but I decided to stay a little longer. I didn't need to go to Skylar's house for tutoring just yet.

I felt Coach Phil's gaze on me from the bench and stopped what I was doing to look at him. He put his hands on his knees before getting up from the bench and started to walk towards me.

"Let's talk," he said sternly.

I nod. "Okay." This guy was just straight to the point, so it wouldn't be a long talk.

"I've been meaning to tell you that you are good at making hoops Caleb," he smiled. "But," his face went back to serious, "I think you should work on passing the ball to your other teammates, without letting the other team get the ball ."

"Alright. I get what your saying. I will try to do better coach."

"Good, because there's going to be a game in a few weeks, so you need all the practice you can get, even though you are doing very well."

"I understand," I say nodding.

"Good. You should leave now you've been playing by yourself for a while," he said.

"I was just about to go anyways. Thank you coach." He nods and walks away. I sigh walking towards my gym bag.

I'm not good at passing the basketball to people because I usually play by myself. I'm sure I can get it right if I try.

I throw my bag over my shoulders and quickly go to the showers. When I finished changing into some new clothes, I got into my car and started it up before heading on the road to Skylar's house.

I had something I wanted to ask Skylar about.

*Skylar's POV*

I was laying down on my rug floor with my math text book open. I was dangling my feet and crossing them back and forth. Caleb was sitting legs crisscross next to me. He was helping me with homework. It was kind of hard to concentrate because I had a song stuck in my head. I started to hum the song and sing it in my head.

When the sun goes down, and the lights burn out, then it's time for you to shine.

"Brighter then a shooting star, shine no matter where you are," Caleb sang. I looked at him and laughed. "Skylar, not again. You gotta stop getting distracted and focus."

"I'm not the only one getting distracted you always continue the song," I pointed out.

"Fair enough. We both need to stop getting distracted. Back to work," he smiles. I roll my eyes and look back at the text book and homework paper. I started work on the hardest problems like, word problems first. And then start on the easier ones problems. Usually Caleb would read the word problems, but he wants me to practice myself because he won't be there by the test.

We stopped math and got to reading the novel for school. We only had three chapters left. Caleb said we'll just finished the book today. There was probably going to be a test for it this week then. While Caleb was reading I realized his voice got much better and he wasn't sick anymore. Even though it's only been a few days.

"The end," Caleb said closing the book. I frowned. I actually liked it when he read, his voice was soothing to hear. Even though I hate him, I have to admit he has a soft, deep, gentle voice that was nice to hear. Plus, Caleb couldn't be annoying when he read he just read, so that was a bonus. Sadly, it's the end.

"Should we review it today or next time?" He asked. He's giving me a choice?

"Next time."

He nodded and then asked. "How did your chemistry project go?" I groaned from the memory.

"Bad," I said honestly. I didn't want to blame Caleb for this one because it was clearly Adams fault. "Adam ruined it." He's jaw clenched when I mentioned Adam. "It exploded everywhere, but we still passed at the end."

He then smiled. "That's good that you passed. Guess what that means?" He asks. I look at him confused. What does that mean?

"It means you get a new gummy bear charm silly orange," he chuckled shaking his head.

I looked at him wide eyes. "Really?" He nods and takes something out of his pocket. He pulled his hand out to me. In his hand there were 5 gummy bear charms all in different colors.

"Pick one," he nods to his hands. I smile and pick the red one my second favorite flavor.

I sat up straight and pulled up my sleeve, so I could see the bracelet on my wrist.

"You're wearing it?" Caleb asks surprised. Why was he so surprised? I always wear it besides when I'm in shower.

"Yeah, I always wear it. It's has gummy bears on it how can I not?" I asked him rolling my eyes.

"You're right," he smiled.

"I'm always right," I state. I thought of how Lacey said that yesterday. Lacey and I are just so alike in that way. Maybe it's just us girls. Yes, girls are always right.

He rolled his eyes. "Don't flatter yourself."

"Don't tell me what to do." He just laughs putting the rest of the gummy charms in his pocket.

I take the red charm and try to put the bracelet, but it slips out of my hands and falls on the floor.

"Stupid hands," I muttered glaring at my hands.

"It's okay," Caleb chuckles. "Let me do it."

He takes the charm from the floor and clips in on the bracelet. I smile and shake it around like I did last time to make a chain noise.

"Skylar," Caleb starts. "I wanted to ask you something...." He trailed off looking down. I just stared at him waiting for his question. He looked nervous for some reason.

"What is it?" I asked.

A/N Katie here!

I hope you guys didn't think this was the end of the book. Cause it's not lots more to go. But it's the end of Caleb's book too bad Skylar won't be listening to his beautiful voice... Omg I'm so weird.

What do you think he's gonna ask?

Sorry this chapter is so short :,( I just wanted to update before I leave! Maybe it'll keep you curious? Who knows?

I'm going on vacation so I won't be able to update. But don't worry I will be back soon enough. (Not long) Hope you all have a great summer :)

Question: Favorite animal?

Horse and turtle!

Comment, Vote, Follow, Enjoy, And Ear COOKies

Katie out Xx

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