Chapter 3: The Double Chocolate Kind

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♡ Skylar ♡

To say I was mad would be a complete understatement.

I was pissed.

Absolutely pissed.

Not only did I miss the bus and have to walk home from school, but it decided to rain. And when the rain finally stopped, two motorcyclists sped past me out of nowhere and splashed mud all over. On my face, on my hair, on my clothes. Everywhere.

I wipe the mud off my cheek with my sleeve in disgust. But then instantly regret it as I realize my sleeve is just as muddy.

"Yuck." I spit. How gross...

I stump over to my house and rub my shoes on the doormat as if it was going to help. I then push the door open.

I pause, remembering my mom, before I continue slowly. If she saw me like this, she'd freak out.

I was dripping.

Luckily, she wasn't anywhere in sight and I was able to make my way up stairs unnoticed.

Rushing inside the bathroom, I drop my filthy backpack near the wall.

I needed to be in and out of the shower as quick as possible in order to clean the footprints I left behind. I just hope my mom doesn't see them.

When I finish my shower, all the mud was down the drain. Instead of me smelling like dirt, I smelled of cherries.

With a towel around my hair and around my body, I smile in the mirror.

Much better.

I look at my backpack, not sure what to do with it. All my notebooks were probably wet and destroyed by now. I'll have to empty everything out and wash it. But for now, I need to get dress.

I exit the bathroom, trying to steady my hair towel, but it kept falling sideways.

"Come on," I say to it. "Can you stay?"

It decided to fall.

I pick up the towel annoyed and then instantly freeze when a random guy suddenly comes up the stairs.

When his eyes land on mine, he immediately averts his gaze and apologies.

I, feeling completely exposed, stand there for a moment unsure how to react. Then, when my senses finally catch on, I start to move. With my cheeks flushed, I hurriedly walk away and enter my room.

Who the heck is that guy? And why is he in my house?! I wondered.

I shut my eyes and involuntary cringe, how awkward.

Let's hope he's just a stranger who needed the restroom or something. If that was the case, I wouldn't be surprised since happened once before.

Getting back to reality, I begin to rummage through my closet.

Mom asked me to wear something nice because my tutor is coming for dinner. Something I wasn't looking forward to. I wasn't too bothered though. I still had my plan. Now I just needed to put it into action.

I continue to search through the hangers for something nice, but it wasn't so easy. My mom's standard of what's nice would be either a ballgown or a wedding gown, and the closes I had to that was a regular, blue dress.

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