Epilogue~ Sing To Me

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COOKIESSSSS!! Here I am with the epilogue! (: now before you read this I'm gonna warn you. I put songs all over this epilogue for reasons you will see. I recommend you listen to the song, but it's up to you. Sorry if they get annoying (: but yeah!

The potato song is not really part of it but it's THE POTATO SONG it's funny I love it! For all those cookies who love potatoes you should listen to it (:

ENJOY!!! *throws gummy bears, potatoes and toy rings at all of you* I hope you like!!! (:

*Caleb's POV*

I bend down on one knee as I slowly open the box. I stare at the eyes in front of me as I ask the question that might just change everything.

"Will you marry me?" I ask, my voice cracking at the end.

I start remembering the moments I shared with her. The feelings that overwhelmed my emotions. The reasons I wanted her. The reasons I needed her. The reason I knew that one day, that hopefully today, she was going to be mine. In that moment I knew, I loved Skylar Howard and had to spend the rest of my life with her.

After waiting for possibly no actual answer, I get no answer. The eyes in front of me were my own. I look at myself in the mirror and frown.

"Ugh, man up Caleb!" I face-palm annoyed with myself.

With the past three years that have gone by, my relationship with Skylar has grown. We're in community college together. We live in my room. Well, not exactly. Skylar just comes over every day and almost sleeps there every night, being that she's too lazy to drive back to her house. At least that what she says.

I don't want to live there anymore, though. I want to get my own place with her. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I want her to forever be mine. I want to marry her.

But I need to get the courage to ask her.

What if she thinks we're going too fast? Or that it isn't the right time now? Or we're too young? I mean, I already got the approval of the parents a long time ago I know they wouldn't mind.

"What to do? What do to?" I ask myself.

"That's it. I'm going to ask her today," I tell myself as I straighten up my shirt.

I walk out of my room and into the kitchen. I open the cabinet and take out the pack of gummy bears hidden behind the salt. I made sure to get the childproof gummy bears for my master plan. My parents went out for today so they won't be home so that works out perfectly. Now, I just have to wait till Skylar comes over.

I jump of to the couch and lay down my back against the soft pillows. I hummed as watched the clock tick its way through the minutes.

Suddenly, I hear the knob of the front door turn. It's time.

I wait patiently for the door to open and for Skylar to come inside. Yes, she has her own personal key to my house.  I see she's having some trouble opening the door though because she's taking quite some time. Maybe it's just me.

"I'm home!" Skylar announces once she gets inside. "Caleb, did you make me food?" Skylar asks once she sees me.

"Actually," I start, jumping off of the couch. "I did. Take a seat on the couch first," I say, smiling.

"Oooh really?" She asks excitedly, rushing over to the couch.

"Really, really," I assure her. "Technically, not so much as food but somewhat like it," I shrug.

"Just feed me already," she says. "I'm hungry."

I pick up the pillow that was hiding the pack of gummy bears and take them out.

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