Chapter~18 Let The War Begin

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I missed you cookies! I know it's been a bit long since I've updated and I'm sorry. I still didn't finish school and we had lots of tests. Anyway, only two days left! WHOOP! WHOOP!

Thank you so much for the awesome support!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!! 16k! Aww you're all so sweet and kind! I love you!

Okie! Ready for this chapter? Hope you like it :) BE A COOKIE MONSTER!

ENJOY!! *throws you chocolate chip cookies!*

*Skylar's POV*

Parties weren't my thing and I didn't really want to go to one. But then I thought about it and I realized that if I do go, I won't have to do tutoring. Caleb is still going to be with me at the party though. As much as I hate Caleb I don't want to be alone with Adam, he just gives me bad vibes.

It was now the day of the party Thursday, and I wasn't sure what to do. I opened my closet and looked through the closes. Am I meant to dress fancy or something? I couldn't find anything in the closet that was fancy.

Closing my closet, I look at myself in the mirror. I can just wear what I'm wearing. I was wearing light blue jeans, and a light pink shirt that had ruffles. I pulled my pony tail out of my hair and let it fall down under my shoulders. Perfect. Now, I looked somewhat fancy. At the end I didn't care what I looked like, and decided I'll just stick with what I was wearing.

I looked at the door. Caleb was supposed to be here by now. It was seven, he usually comes at four thirty or five, but today we aren't having tutoring. Which I'm happy about, studying is boring. Just as I finished that thought Caleb came to my view.

"Skye!" He chirped with a smile.

"Caleb," I said annoyed. He was being too loud which was annoying me.

"Ready to party?" He asked doing some weird moves with his body. I laughed at the way he was dancing.

"You look ridiculous." I stated. He turn towards me, still dancing.

"You're just jealous of my moves," he said sticking out his tongue. I laughed at that.

"Me? Jealous? Of your moves? I can dance way better then you any day." I state. "You should be the one who's jealous."

"Really?" He asked amused.

"Yes, really." I rolled my eyes. "That's why I told you."

"If you think you can dance way better then me, prove it. Show me your moves." He challenged.

"I don't dance."

"Lies. What are you afraid of? What happened to 'I dance way better the you' huh?" he smirked.

"I was just stating things, I never said I was going to dance. I'm not you." I scoffed, "I'm not a show off."

"Only for you babe," he smiled pointing at me as he danced.

"Did you just call be babe?" I asked shocked.

"Yes, I did. I'm glad you have good hearing babe," he said smiling.

"Do not call me babe again," I demanded.

"Why not babe?" He asked.

"Because I am not a baby. Therefore, you can not call me baby, babe or anything like that. Understand?" I ask. He laughs and shakes his head.

He stopped dancing and looked at me confused. "But you are a baby."

"I am not a baby!" I whined. He just won't listen to anything I say. He always calls me a baby. I am not!

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