Chapter~11 Skylar White

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HIYA! Cookies, how are you?

9k *passes out* oh my gosh! Thank you, thank you, thank you <3 <3

I dedicate this chapter to you, the one who's amazing Rodrien_ anyway check out his book 'The Dorman Dilemma' it's hilarious!

Omg, this song is so awesome and cute. Acapella it's so cool. Anyway, listen to it if you'd like it's good.'s the chapter :)

ENJOY! *throws chocolate chip cookies at all of you*

*Skylar's POV*

It was seven thirty in the morning. I was just about to leave the house to meet Ojo, so we could walk to school together like every other day. But, my mother stopped me.

"Today is your math test, right honey?" My mother asked.

I let go of the door nob.

"Yes, there is a stupid math test today," I say as I turned to look at her.

"Do good," she throws an apple towards me, "and take that sweetie, it'll give you luck."

"Right..." I catch it. 

The apple didn't give Snow White any luck. What good is it to me?

"Alright, bye love." Mom waved.

"Bye, mom." With that, I walked out of the house taking a bite of the apple.

"Skylie? You're eating a fruit?" Ojo asked like it was the most outrageous thing ever.

I never eat fruits, besides watermelon. Watermelon is amazing.

"Mom said it'll give me luck on my math test," I say skipping over to him. We both started to walk on the sidewalk towards school.

"And you believe that?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Maybe," I shrug taking another bite of the apple.

"Really?" He starts laughing.

"No, but I'm trying to believe it. I need luck. I need to pass." I explain.

"Isn't Caleb helping you with that?" He asked.

"Yes, but it's so hard," I whined

"Give it some time," he smiled.

"It's been two weeks, but fine."

"Ojo, Skylar!" I hear someone shout out. I look across the street to see Lacey running towards us with a big smile plastered on her face.

"Lacey!" Ojo and I call out in unison.

"Hey guys," she greets.

"Oh, I got the thing," Ojo said. He started looking through his backpack before pulling papers out.

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you," Lacey chants before giving Ojo a quick hug. Ojo blushes hugging her back. I chuckled at his face. Tomato freak.

"Anytime Lace." He smiled.


We arrived at the school doors. Ojo left and I was just with Lacey, walking towards her locker.

"So?" She asks me as she opened her locker getting her books out.

"So, what?" I look at her confused.

"How did the tutoring go yesterday?"

"Well....I almost died, and yeah," I shrug.

"Aw, poor little baby," She pouts patting my shoulder.

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