Escaping Ethan's Clutches (Prologue)

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(Author's note: The entire book is available on Patreon

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(Author's note: The entire book is available on Patreon. Head to my Patreon account to read the full book, username: shaziyakhanwrites. Follow me on insta for fun reels of my books, username: shaziyakhanwrites. Any grammar or spelling mistakes, point them to me politely, thank you!)

The mystery surrounding the pain is that it's different, it's vivid, and it's unique to every person it embraces.


"Ms. Jahan, Boss will see you now." The voice thrummed inside her nervous ears, transpiring a vibration in her heart as it skipped a gentle beat, leaving shivers all over her body.

You've got this! she chanted to herself, Allah is with you, He's not going to let you down.

Sucking in a much needed breath, she stood up, leaving the comfort of the luxurious couch stationed right across the CEO and Chairman's office. Patting down her clothes, she took a quick note of her formal attire where her top half was covered in a white shirt, lying beneath her beige-colored blazer and a matching pair of pants. Further, she straightened the ends of her light brown scarf with a sigh, wondering how exactly she had gotten herself into this situation. The interview had been purely coincidental. She had arrived at the company, bracing herself for the role of an analyst, but a set of unannounced circumstances led all the interviewees directly to the top floor of the Company's owner and CEO, for the placement of a personal assistant, which turned out to be the main cause of her current nerves. Except for a few months of internship at a small firm, her experience of work had been close to nothing. She knew it in her heart, she was completely unfit for the job, but so were the others that were suddenly pushed to take up the interview, at least she hoped they were... inexperienced. But they were bound to have at least some experience in some field, unlike her, she grimaced, as she noted many candidates had expressed a mixture of disbelief and delight at the sudden fortunate turn of events.

She could have refused..., but she was desperate, desperate enough to take up a job she was unprepared for, and desperate enough to try her luck for a position she surely didn't deserve.

It isn't all bad, do you even know how many years people struggle just to have this single opportunity..., her mind was quick to remind her, suppressing all forms of doubts building up inside her, even if temporarily.

Glancing around the almost evacuated waiting hall, she smiled briefly at the remaining few candidates before nodding at the receptionist as she trudged forward towards the CEO's cabin. With one of her hands clutching her files, she slowly but gently pushed the double doors open, her gaze lowered as she chanted words of prayer for encouragement. A gust of cold breeze from the AC washed over her, calming her nerves momentarily.

You can do this! she told herself again as she put one foot inside the CEO's cabin, opening the door wide.

What's the harm in trying? She rose her head with a smile, averting her gaze away from the floor as a newfound courage evaded her thoughts, dismissing away all premonitions, What's the worst that could happen anyw-

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