Chapter 19- Full Chapter

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(Author's note: The entire book is available on Patreon. Head to my Patreon account to read the full book, username: shaziyakhanwrites. Follow me on insta for fun reels of my books, username: shaziyakhanwrites. Any grammar or spelling mistakes, point them to me politely, thank you!)

Maybe that's what it was all about, she was destined to be ruined by his hands. It was in her darkest of luck to get tangled in his wrath. Oh the agony of being in his arms. She was entirely entrapped. 


Her breath halted and her throat contracted. Her body faced a temporary break down. Her mind was starting to collapse. But she was fully aware of the screams bursting from her throat, fully in touch with the pain in her scalp.

"Now why don't you start telling me, what that motherf**ker was doing at your house today...?"

"Ethan, please..., I–" she let out, despite the throbbing ache. 

"Here's the thing, cara mia," he snarled in her ear, his hot breath hitting her skin like that of a scalding iron rod, "I don't tolerate opponents, I destroy them. So, listen to me and believe me when I say, I'm going to ruin him so bad that he will curse the day he was born and curse the day he laid his unworthy eyes on you. And this is a fucking promise!"

He let her go with a jerk, making her lurch forward and fall against the pristine white floor with a thud. Her knees took the fall and began to hurt terribly, making her cry out. Ethan was enraged. She could feel it in her bones as if the rage was her own. It invaded her body and flowed through her veins letting her feel the wrath he displayed. Nothing in this world was worth being the target of his rampage. She was answerable for the sins in his eyes, the sins she never committed. 

"Tell me!" he bellowed like a mad man, like a possessed mad man. 

She knew she needed to start talking before he completely went off. Yet, her body froze when her mind went to the night of her near death.

Mustering up some courage, she stammered out, "Ethan, I-I didn't call him. I-I didn't even know he was going to be there when I went home. H-He left s-soon after."

Feeling guilty for putting Zack at the pedestal, she continued, with tears streaming down her eyes, "H-He said that he hated me and h-he did not want to see me again."

She tried lying through her teeth but with his face turned grim at her words, she couldn't tell if her pathetic attempt at saving herself and Zack worked. He sat down on the floor with her in an Indian style, his legs folded in a relaxed manner. Tilting his head to the right, he surveyed her for several long moments. A slow evil smile stretched across his lips terrifying her to the core.

With a humorless laughter, he exclaimed, "Until the end! Until the end!" His echoes of laughter and disbelief rang throughout the house that was now nothing less than a haunted abode in her eyes. She watched stunned in the way his diabolical cackle engrossed fear in her, as if he wouldn't leave her alone even if she died, even if her soul had left her body. The thought was enough to make her crawl away from him. But a single look from him as his laughter came to a sudden halt stopped her movements altogether.

"I must say I'm impressed you can hide things from me..., hide yourself from me," he said ruefully, "Why don't we play a game then, the game of hide... and seek?"

She didn't reply. Not at first at least.

"What do you say? Think about it. I just might grant your wish, but there's a twist, you can only make one wish out of the two that I'm giving you."

Escaping Ethan's Clutches (Ruining Innocence Vol 1)Where stories live. Discover now