Chapter 21- Full Chapter

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(Author's note: The entire book is available on Patreon. Head to my Patreon account to read the full book, username: shaziyakhanwrites. Follow me on insta for fun reels of my books, username: shaziyakhanwrites. Any grammar or spelling mistakes, point them to me politely, thank you!)

She wasn't born to be loved ordinarily. She was born to be destroyed by its insanity. She was born to be conquered zealously. She was born to be treasured meticulously. She was born to be loved...yes, but never ordinarily.

His excruciating hold on the mattress of the hospital bed tightened further, clenching the softest of material in his left hand in a fist whilst his right hand lay numbly, attached to several wires that measured his heart rate and compensated for the loss of blood and energy. His gaze stared ahead while his mind was occupied by his nymph.

The electronic monitor on his right side, made a beeping noise. It was the first thing he heard when he came to consciousness. Though the moment his eyes snapped open, they searched for her. The cause of his raging, beating heart. He found himself lying inside one of the luxurious hospital rooms. He had chuckled when he came to terms with his condition. Many a times he had his rivals and enemies lying on the same beds, courtesy of his mercy. Yet, to find himself in the same spot, albeit the luxury surrounding him, he felt an avalanche of fury towards the bastard that made the impossible happen.

Doctors and nurses had immediately rushed to his aid, fussing over him. With a groan, he had instructed them to help him in a sitting position, which they reluctantly did. Now, with a torn lip, a heavily bandaged forehead, and a face adorned in cuts and bruises, he let himself dissolve in the thoughts of her.

He craved her presence, like he craved seeing his victims bathed in the color of red..., of blood. Perhaps, even more so. Her fearful gaze, the tremble in her hands, the tears that slide down her reddish brown eyes, and her aversion to his touch only added to his need for her.

He recalled the previous day he had invited her home. A breathy chuckle escaped his lips at the memory. Her reaction to the beautiful portraits adorning the walls in his bedroom was something. He couldn't help but wonder what she could have thought. It was a secret that he had converted his room into a gallery of her portraits. None had the permission to enter his domain, but he had deliberately let that door unlocked for her to find, and she certainly did.

Guess you didn't like my surprise for you...

Finding her passed out on the lush carpet of his floor with her splayed out, shirt, his favorite one, ridden up and exposing her scrumptious skin and face coated with the streaks of tears was nothing but an invitation to his demons to devour her. Upon reaching her, he had lied down next to her before hovering over her with his elbows stacked on either side of her. It was like holding a tiny bird in the palm of his hand, just enough pressure and the neck of the bird could snap. But he had little intention to snap the bird's neck under him, nah, he was more interested in snapping her spirit.

"How long would it take for me to take you..., right here." his fingers played with the strands of her hair before bringing them to his nose, the familiar scent of lilac invading his drunken senses, for he was drunk on her. Leaning further, he let her exposed skin brush against his shirt, feeling a shiver run through his body. Ecstatic, he nuzzled his face in the crook of her neck. His tongue darted out, swiping over her skin that tasted salty from the sweat. He resisted the urge to bite into her skin, lest she woke up. For some time, he wanted to admire her, worship her uninterrupted. Holding himself up on his left elbow, he gingerly brushed his fingers on her exposed hip, groaning with impatience and rapture. Unable to withstand further, he splayed his palm on her skin, feeling the electric sensation spread throughout his body.

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