Chapter 25- Full Chapter

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(Note: Phew! This is the longest chapter I've ever written in my life. More than 7k words! I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I did while writing this!!!! So this the last chapter of Book 1 of Ruining Innocence, however there will be a Finale. Basically, there will be a Finale part, that will mark the end of Book 1, kinda like an epilogue, which I will update soon. Warning: greusome scenes ahead.)


She was the sole being of all his devotion, an entity, innocent and pure in his gaze. The pain of his unrequited feelings seldom obstructed him from giving her everything her heart desired, even if it meant giving her away to another that held the key to her heart.


"What a pleasant surprise!"

Lucas pressed his lips in a thin line. Not now!

"Ethan, why are you here?" Lucas pushed, trying to act nonchalant, but he didn't miss the way Ethan's eyes drifted to the pitch-black briefcase in his hand.

Lucas waited, hearing the screech of a metallic object scraping against the bars of the prison room, just as a figure emerged from behind Ethan, "Why else, but to fulfill my beloved's one and only wish..."

Instinctively, the hold on his briefcase tightened. The fact that he had toiled for days, groveled on his knees, and even suffered at the whip of the man he despised the most to fulfill his promise, whereas all Ethan had to do was show up at the precinct showed the disparity in the power between them. Lucas surveyed the eyes of Ethan and Zack with his usual blank stare.

Lucas had known about Ethan's discharge, but in his haste to free Zack from the prison, he had bothered little to stick by his side like he usually did. As a matter of fact, since the entire fiasco of him following through his plan, initially upon Alexander's request, he encountered Ethan less and less.

One step at a time, Lucas closed the distance between them until he stood right across Ethan. His heart beat rapidly against his ribcage in caution as a sense of trepidation filled his veins. Something flashed in Ethan's wicked irises, but it disappeared before Lucas could make sense of it. If Lucas was a master of hiding his emotions, then Ethan was a mastermind of playing with the minds of even the sharpest of humans. That is, when he came to it. Lucas knew this very well. He had witnessed him bring down..., destroy each one of his enemies with his mind that surpassed the devil's.

"Maryam made you do this?" he asked, disbelief marring his face.

If there was one person that could make Ethan do anything then it'd be his father, Alexander. Only him, for obvious reasons.

"You could say that," Ethan affirmed with a chuckle that seemed anything but honest.

His eyes shifted to where Zack stood, who had been occupied in glaring daggers at Ethan, yet no word left his mouth.

"You didn't have to come personally to fetch him out," Lucas responded, still studying Ethan with apprehension.

He shrugged. His hand moving to fetch a pack of cigarette in his jeans' pocket before carelessly attaching one to his lips.

"Now, what do you want to do with him?"

Ethan didn't respond, making the wait stretch longer. Lucas' nerves threatened to break through his facade of composure under his rueful gaze.

"Ah-uh! Not so quick, bitch!" Ethan held out his hand, stopping Zack's stride, "Can't have you running back to my woman now, can I?"

"She's not yours!" Zack gritted out with a loathing gaze, his hands forming into fists. Lucas sighed. "She's not an object that you can own without her will."

Escaping Ethan's Clutches (Ruining Innocence Vol 1)Where stories live. Discover now