Chapter 1

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(Author's note: The entire book is available on Patreon

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(Author's note: The entire book is available on Patreon. Head to my Patreon account to read the full book, username: shaziyakhanwrites. Follow me on insta for fun reels of my books, username: shaziyakhanwrites. Any grammar or spelling mistakes, point them to me politely, thank you!)

He was unhinged; she was his elixir. He was addicted; she was his drug. He was wistful; she was his fantasy.

A sigh. That was all that could be heard as comfortable silence blanketed them within the space of their car. Feeling the familiar warmth encase her hand, Maryam raised her head to look at her mother with persuasive eyes.

"Maybe...," Maryam drawled, trying to come up with a good excuse, "I can start a few days later, it's not like I'm gonna miss out on anything," when I don't know anybody.

"Yeah, but we both know you'll be missing out on your classes, and I'm very particular about studies," her mom countered, wiggling her brows funnily.

A chuckle escaped her mouth at her mother's antics. "You are not."

Her mother, Fariah Dias was anything but particular when it came to education. As a matter of fact, they'd ditched school and work many times to catch up on a newly released Marvel movie or just chill at home. Yup, she was that cool. Like they had hoped, the new place has been faring them well so far, and she had spent the last two weeks of her summer holidays visiting her mother's office, getting to know the place, catching up on her friends online from back whom she missed dearly, and well, healing.

Now though, the dread was slowly creeping back inside her. She has to leave the comfort of her home and face every student's worst nightmare, new school and strange people. She shuddered at the mere thought of what the day could have in-store for her, not to forget that it's always the first day of school that decides the fate of a new student for the rest of the year or years to come. You are either at the top of the chain or at the very bottom if unlucky. There are also a lucky few that get to remain somewhere in between. While she was far from being an introvert, she liked to blend in and remain unnoticed, at her previous school, except for the few friends that she'd die for. She was happy that way.

"Okay!" Her mom clapped her hands loudly, pulling her out of her thoughts, she so often liked to indulge in. "No more bargaining! Get up and get out."

"Have fun!" her mum shouted, driving away, making her flinch without having to look at her. Talk about making a grand entrance, she grinned nervously at the few students that watched the exchange between her and her mother.

With yet another heavy sigh, she diverted her attention to the sight of the monster's hub that stood tall before her, aka the high school. The school premises stretched from one horizon to another, surrounded by trees and grass everywhere. On her left, all the way to the entrance behind her was the parking area, whereas from the far end of her right she could see the bleachers, indicating the playground hidden away from her sight. A sudden chill traveled down her spine, a sign of approaching winters, still a better climate compared to her previous home where winters were mostly wet and summers were mainly dry. She liked the climate of Australia, she decided as she further took in the layout of the building before her.

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