Chapter 2

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(Author's note: The entire book is available on Patreon

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(Author's note: The entire book is available on Patreon. Head to my Patreon account to read the full book, username: shaziyakhanwrites. Follow me on insta for fun reels of my books, username: shaziyakhanwrites. Any grammar or spelling mistakes, point them to me politely, thank you!)

It was madness at first sight. And what is madness if not an endless need for chase and possession.

"Something this outrageous has occurred in your school on the very first day of my daughter's school, and you are telling me you have no idea?" Faria inquired, fuming with every second. "I find my daughter passed out in the front yard of your school and not one person had reached out to help her. That much I've seen it with my own eyes."

She felt her daughter tremble beside her, in her seat, while she shot complaints in the Principal's office about the strange circumstances. She had witnessed every parent's worst nightmare when she reached urgently to her school. There, in the front yard of the school's building, right before her eyes, laid her daughter's limp body as she fervently pushed through the crowd formed around her.

Never in her life had she hoped to see her daughter in such a state. Not only was she still on the ground but the sheer lack of help from the people around her was extremely upsetting. Screaming, she had run to her daughter's aid, checking her breathing and shaking her gently to bring her back to consciousness. Her disheveled state did not leave her notice either. At some point, the school authorities had decided to march forward carrying her to the infirmary and nursing her back to consciousness.

When Maryam finally regained her senses, she remained eerily quiet, so quiet that it scared the wits out of Faria. Even when she tried to ask her about her bloody state, she had remained tight-lipped, looking towards the doorway every few seconds and giving herself a scare at every little noise. It wasn't until they had left the school grounds and pulled over outside their home that she had decided to confide in her about her plight. Bawling her eyes out and shaking uncontrollably, she had narrated to her the cause of her misery. She told her everything.

Faria pulled her daughter in a tight embrace in an attempt to comfort her whilst her own heart ached, and her eyes brimmed with tears. She couldn't imagine what her daughter had gone through. Such an incident was bound to crumble anybody and leave them baffled. What wouldn't she give away in exchange for her daughter's worries. If only she could erase her every problem away. After several moments of crying in her embrace, she felt her breathing turn regular and soft. She had fallen asleep in the comfort of her love and security.

"I believe you've got the wrong information Mrs. Dias. Sure, there was a small incident at school yesterday, but nothing vaguely as violent as Ms. Maryam is imagining here."

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