Chapter 9

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(Author's note: The entire book is available on Patreon

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(Author's note: The entire book is available on Patreon. Head to my Patreon account to read the full book, username: shaziyakhanwrites. Follow me on insta for fun reels of my books, username: shaziyakhanwrites. Any grammar or spelling mistakes, point them to me politely, thank you!)

Normal. The word felt foreign to her. What was it like to be normal? Is it about smiling often? Falling asleep with a smile as you look forward to the next day? Is that what normal feels like? She didn't know, not anymore...


The cold steel bars of the prison scraped against the cemented floor as the stream of light from the torch fell upon him, making him blink furiously, before a light bulb was lit on. The banging inside his skull did nothing to calm the melody of his raging heart nor numb the thrumming inside his veins. He was beyond desperate to have her, body and soul, which is what led him to prey upon her. It was inevitable at some point.


His father didn't respond. Instead, he simply stood across from him, watching him clutch a fistful of his hair and breathing harshly with a furious gaze. His breaths came out ragged, his eyes were bloodshot, and the back of his skull ached horribly, as if hit by something hard.

Whoever dared to hit him?

It wasn't long before he had gained consciousness that he found himself trapped within the four walls of the prison, a place he knew too well but never had the chance to experience it for himself, what it felt like to be locked up inside the four walls with no escape. It was always the other way around, it was him always trapping people within the places darker than hell, it was for the first time he had ever felt trapped. Needless to say, he hated it. Feeling like a prisoner. Feeling powerless. 

Soon after he was awakened though, came the real horror. The fear. For the first in his life, he felt afraid..., of himself. He realized what it was to be afraid..., to regret.

But what was he so afraid of? Of losing her?

Whatever had happened last night, it was definitely not a part of his plan. So intoxicated with booze, he had let the monsters inside him take full control, manifesting his insanity to the full extent. Sure, he had never denied his monsters, but he never let them out fully either, unless it was for all the wrong reasons, unless it was to instill complete terror in his enemies. But not for her...

So consumed by anger and insecurity, he was thrown into an abyss, somewhere in the back of his mind, whilst his monsters took control of him. Her body belonged to him, there was no doubt, but this, this was not how he wanted to own her. But it was also true that it wasn't the first time he had tried to take her body and enjoyed every second of it. Every second of her struggle. Perhaps it was going to happen sooner or later. His need to corrupt her, mind, body, and soul, was hanging on a loose thread. His thoughts for her borderlined insanity. Who was he kidding, he knew that day was coming and he did nothing to stop it, rather he let it fuel his lust for her, fantasizing about her body, day and night, with every girl, with her every portrait, every drawing, and every sketch, imagining her beside him on his bed, naked, begging, screaming... He drew at least a thousand canvasses of her, each more cunning and vicious, more provocative and erotic, and more sickening than the last.

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