Chapter 20- Full Chapter

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(Author's note: The entire book is available on Patreon. Head to my Patreon account to read the full book, username: shaziyakhanwrites. Follow me on insta for fun reels of my books, username: shaziyakhanwrites. Any grammar or spelling mistakes, point them to me politely, thank you!)

Life in essence is but a gamble. You either come out victorious or lose everything at stake.  

"And what may be at stake?" It seemed Ethan wanted to humor him or did he have something else in his mind...?

"Maryam," Zack deadpanned, "If you lose the fight, you're going to let Maryam go. If you lose, you will never lay your dirty hands on her. You will never look at her. You will never come near her."

"And..., if I win... which I will?"

Zack was silent. What more could he take from Maryam? 

Ethan chuckled loudly, amused by Zack's audacity, waving his hand in dismissal before his face went livid, and he announced, "I, Ethan Russo, accept your challenge for a duel."

"Zack!" Maryam shouted, stupefied by his recklessness.

Have you no regard for your life! her eyes widened in their glare in his direction equally enraged.

At that moment, she was more furious at Zack that she could ever be at Ethan.

"You do not get to decide about my life," she muttered with her fists clenched by her side. They shook vulnerably before him. It was futile too, and Zack knew that. She was amidst planning her escape. There was no need for him to endanger his life for her sake. Even she wasn't planning her escape, she wouldn't ask that of anyone, let alone Zack who meant so much to her. Imagining a single bruise or cut on his face brought pain to her chest. The image of his parents flashed before her eyes. He was their only blood, after their daughter's death. Fighting with Ethan meant playing a game of tug of war with death.  

"Nobody does," she concluded, sparing a hardened glance Ethan's way while her attention was mainly focused on Zack.

"I'm not an object!" The words leaving her lips emanated tremendous pain. And although, she was speaking to Zack, everybody present in the cafeteria knew whom the words were directed to. So did Zack. "Why...?" she finally asked in a broken voice. 

His eyes drooped. Yet, he didn't forget to smile her way.

"You can hate me all you want, but I will get rid of him permanently. I cannot watch another moment in silence as he treats like an object. You're a human being. Remember that nobody owns you but Allah. I want you to be able to breathe freely without being afraid," he said loud and clear for everybody to hear. 

Unbeknownst to herself, she let out a bitter laugh.

"He is the son of a the most feared criminal. Do you really think you can beat him, let alone expect him to keep his word, if by some stroke of luck you win?"

It wasn't a taunt. Simply by comparing their sizes, one could easily agree on the brute strength and stature of Ethan over Zack's. While Zack wasn't physically weaker, standing at around 5'11 and strong physique, yet the difference was still there, even if not by a far stretch.

Ethan was strong, and he was a bully of the worst nature. Having fought all his life and encountered dangerous situations, Maryam could easily see Zack losing. It was basically a suicide match if nothing else.

"Zack, don't!" she let out once again with great emphasis, tears streaming down her face. "If anything were to happen to you, I–"


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