Chapter 22- Full Chapter

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(Author's note: The entire book is available on Patreon. Head to my Patreon account to read the full book, username: shaziyakhanwrites. Follow me on insta for fun reels of my books, username: shaziyakhanwrites. Any grammar or spelling mistakes, point them to me politely, thank you!)

He knew how their story began but knew not when their hearts collided. Yet slowly, but surely, he was entranced by her existence. Until, she became his life's only purpose.



The sound of fists banging against the metal surpassed his unfocused gaze, tickling his ears without being registered but a tickle to his ears.

At first, it was a mild curiosity. The moment he bumped into her while maneuvering over his new surroundings, he hadn't predicted for a single moment that his life would be turned upside down. Perhaps, it was the obvious pain reflected in her eyes that pricked at his heart. The pain he had been so familiar with not too while back. The same misery he had witnessed many times in his sister's eyes.

But then, he had been helpless, too oblivious, to understand her, to protect her, to... save her.

And now, how is it any different now? his mind was quick to taunt.


All I wanted... All I wanted... was to... rescue her from some of her pain...

Tears fell from his eyes, he had no intention to wipe them away as he let the pain consume him. All he wanted to save Maryam, even if he couldn't save his sister. He had been under the impression that it was fierce bullying, but it was so much more. The way she'd avoid him at every chance. Perhaps that's what fueled his determination to win her over, to win her trust, to convey to her that she was safe.

Every time he saw her, the urge to caress her beautiful face overwhelmed him. Her mahogany eyes called for his undoing while his hands itched to hold her in his safe embrace. She was unknowingly testing his restraints. Yet, more than his comfort, she deserved his respect.

Brought up in a house where women were held in a high regard and cared for under the law of Islam, he respected her enough to never touch her. Except for that one time, when he had watched her stumbling out of the washroom, leaning on her friends, beaten black and blue.

He wanted her..., she became not only a purpose in his life but his pure and earnest desire. In fact, he proposed to her marriage because he fell in love with her, as did she... with him. He wasn't unaware of that and that brought him satisfaction.

But what he was unaware of was the storm called Ethan...

The death of his sister changed Zack, turning him into a fearless young man that he was today. For better or worse, he couldn't tell, not anymore... Yet, he couldn't help the flicker of doubt that appeared in him when facing Ethan. But he had vowed to protect Marya, and he was determined to do so until his last breath, until the final beat of his heart.

But this..., was he ready for what was in store for him?

He hissed feeling a strong, rough grip on his chin making him flinch, snatching him out of his thoughts.

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