Chapter 13

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It felt unreal

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It felt unreal..., the blooming joy in her despondent heart. Her broken sigh of dismay now felt light and soft. She was becoming wistful..., and worse brimming with an yearning. It terrified her beyond compare.


They watched her with squinted brows and deep frowns, at the pure ecstasy displayed on her face. Lucas, stood behind Zack, Gina, and Sarah, at a distance farther away from her, watching her like she had lost a screw or two in her brain. She didn't blame him though, or the rest of them that wore exceedingly worried expressions on their faces.

And why wouldn't they, she thought, while fighting the threatening darkness that wanted to consume her. Despite the obvious struggle, she was grinning from ear to ear. Still perturbed by her strange reactions, they moved away when the nurse stepped in, drawing the curtains and hiding her view of them.

"Now, you're doing good, just stay up while I check your wounds, okay?"

Maryam groaned in a yes while she did her work. Maryam couldn't tell exactly how long she had laid there at the infirmary, but by the time the nurse was done tending to her wounds, Maryam found herself patched in bandages all over her body. Her shins, her hips, her head, her elbows, you name it. She looked and smelled like she had bathed herself in a liquid disinfectant.

Drawing the curtains back open, the nurse, whose name she came to know was Mia turned to Zack as he walked in, alongside Gina and Sarah.

"Gentleman, you did well bringing her in, in the time that you did, and urging her to stay up."

Zack nodded, waiting for her to finish.

"Thankfully, there is no concussion, otherwise she'd be hospitalized by now. The rest of her body though is bruised pretty badly. I'm gonna have to report this to the authorities..., after looking over your wounds," she said the last part, directed towards Gina and Sarah, who nodded obediently.

Maryam, on the other hand, listened in on the conversation with sparing awareness as she held onto the thread of consciousness under the drug injected into her body to numb her aching limbs, when Mia demanded, "Everybody else needs to step out. Only one of you can stay behind."

The next time she woke up, her face twisted at the overwhelming weight of her own body. It was as if she was subdued beneath the weight of a rubble. Like heavy stones, they pressed onto her sore body with a threatening force. As a matter of fact, her body did not feel like her own, it felt foreign to her. Otherwise, why wouldn't her body heed to her command...?

It wasn't until her eyes had registered the wide, white walls around her and sniffed at the air that surrounded softly around her weakened state, that she realized, she was still in the infirmary. Also, that she was beaten brutally by a bunch of jealous and delusional girls. While trying to speak, her throat pricked at the overwhelming sensation of dryness in her throat.

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