Chapter 24- Full Chapter

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(Author's note: The entire book is available on Patreon. Head to my Patreon account to read the full book, username: shaziyakhanwrites. Follow me on insta for fun reels of my books, username: shaziyakhanwrites. Any grammar or spelling mistakes, point them to me politely, thank you!)

Hearts will shatter, eyes will become numb, hands shall tremble, and ears may bleed, but destiny will continue to reign. That's the ultimate rule of the life's game...

A chill shot through her spine. Bringing her hands closer to her waist, she clasped them together to warm herself from the cold air blowing in the room or from his pernicious scrutiny, she couldn't tell. It had to be his gaze, she concluded, daring to meet his sinister blue orbs.

It was late at night when she had gotten a call from the hospital. She was done with her night prayer and additional worship before deciding to retire to her bed. Although sleep was the last thing on her mind despite feeling lethargic. She had exhausted herself from sobbing and praying and had barely been able to swallow a few morsels the entire day. Yet, she was somewhat at peace after hearing Lucas' words.

Why did she trust him so easily? She couldn't tell. But he had never given her an opportunity to think otherwise. He may only be helping her because of Ethan's father's orders. However, he was, to put it in simpler words, her savior. She'd never be able to repay him.

It was then, for the first time that she had prayed for Lucas to her Lord: Ya Allah, Lucas has good in him. I've witnessed his eyes brimming with guilt, shame, and an immense need for escape... just like I do. Ya Allah, save him and guide him to a straight path.

Whereas now, standing before Ethan, she could only let out curses in her mind, for him to rot in hell.

"You came...," he spoke, tiredly, for the first time since she entered his hospital room, after having his fill from staring her down. His lecherous gaze devouring her.

Her eyes struck to the clock on the wall. Five minutes. He had been ogling at her, wordlessly, for five darn minutes.

"Come closer, let me admire you..., closely."

Her limbs moved towards him on their own as if attached to a string in his fingers. She was but a marionette in his hands, bound to move at the stroke of his fingertips.

She forced herself to stop at the edge of his bed, as if her body was not her own. No more, she thought. She wasn't going to be played by him. He may have all her reins in his hands. But she had people in her life that still looked at her like she was her own person. She still had some dignity left in her or so she tried to convince herself. Not that she hadn't tried to stand against him before...

Yeah... and how did that work out for you? Her mind was quick to admonish her bravery.

"Won't you ask how I'm doing...?" he murmured, mockingly, "Not that you kept your word when I woke up, for I didn't find you here. So the least you could do is ask me how I'm doing..."

"You could die for all I care..." the words left her mouth before she could stop them.

Her eyes widened realizing her slip up. She sucked in a breath when a mask of anonymity fell upon his face, his lips pressed in a thin line. She faltered in her movements, taking a step back when he suddenly burst out in laughter, making her squirm uncomfortably. She stood still like a statue, watching him laugh for exaggerated seconds, further adding to her discomfort.

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