chapter four

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The princess has cold hands.

Early this morning, after breakfast, she placed her hand on top of mine. There was a mischievous look in her eyes, and I couldn't help but become skeptical on why. I was brought back to her chambers, and she had pulled out slips of paper from her handbag. When I looked closer at the font, an audible gasp was heard.

I've never been to a masquerade before. Father heard of how scandalous they were, and he didn't want to tarnish the reputation we had built. And with Meteli being a smaller kingdom amongst other small kingdoms, masquerades weren't often, and instead we had many small balls.

It took much convincing on her end to convince the king that going to a masquerade tonight was the best way for me to see O'Khasis alive at night. She claimed this was a wonderful way to be introduced to high nobles of O'Khasis while remaining a bit of a secret until it was proper to introduce myself without a shield.

Hesitantly, he agreed, but he didn't appear to be convinced by her words, nor did he seem pleased with them. The queen was thrilled to hear how I wished to explore more of O'Khasis, but the masquerade was a surprise to myself too. The princess had fooled the queen into believing the masquerade was my idea, and she simply found the tickets.

She truly is very lively.

"I don't believe I have such an outfit that is proper for a masquerade packed away," I admit, looking through layers of fabric. "I didn't think I'd attend any balls, and it's apparent neither did my father."

The princess walks over to my bodices, rummaging through them until she sighs, shaking her head. "None of these will do," she tells me. "You don't even have a mask for a masquerade. Your lady doesn't have anything, either. You'll have to borrow something of mine. Come with me."

My mouth falls agape at her bluntness, eyebrows furrowing together. "Your Highness–"

"No more with this 'Your Highness.' I'm going to call you Alex, and you're going to call me Kandi. It's such a bore using titles."

I'm too stunned to come back with any response. She looks pleased and begins to walk to her chambers, having me close in tow. Adeline follows after me, her steps quick and loud. Kandi walks with grace despite how quick her steps are. I've nearly tumbled twice now, but I've had to adjust to her long strides.

She opens her door with such strength that they are fast to rest against the walls. Kandi stands in the doorway, and her lady stares back at her before inching closer to us. The two have a hushed conversation before her lady dashes off and servants begin to fill the room.

Kandi smiles at me, and I get the notion that she's done this far more often than I could possibly count. Slowly, she circles me before she claps her hands together in satisfaction. "You should get ready with me in my chambers," she says, turning her attention to Adeline. "My ladies can help you prepare yourself when we're done."

Kandi's lady walks forward after sharing a glance with Kandi and begins to unhook her bodice. I glance back at Adeline, feeling shy as I swallow the saliva that's building up in my mouth. "Adeline, if you wouldn't mind. . ."

Adeline seems to understand what I mean as she begins to undo my own bodice. I feel awkward being stripped to my under clothes in front of a woman I have known for two days, but she appears to have so much confidence that she does not mind.

Her other ladies walk out of her closet, carrying with them multiple petticoats and skirts. Others have bodices, stockings, and garters. They lay a skirt and bodice with a sage green color based and beige lace adorning it. Next to it, a white dress decorated with black lace. Adeline has stripped me down to my crinoline and corset cover, but I feel silly when her ladies walk forward and strip me of my petticoats.

"Is this necessary?" I question out loud, lifting my arms above my head when the fabric reaches my neck. Two fresh petticoats are put on in their stead, and I'm sat in a chair to remove my stockings. I look to Adeline for answers to my questions, but even she looks puzzled.

"It's most definitely necessary," Kandi laughs, looking at me confused. "How would it not be? If you'd like, you can send your lady with my head lady, and they can prepare for the masquerade."

"Who's going?"

"My brothers, their valets, and our ladies. Zane isn't coming. He finds my antics quite annoying." She rolls her eyes, and I question how well the two siblings get along. "Convincing Garroth to have some fun in his life and to stop obsessing about his heir duties was a bother, but I succeeded nonetheless."

My embarrassment slowly fades away with each word that is said. I send Adeline off with Kandi's head lady before standing to my feet to better help her remaining ladies finish dressing me. It's different from what I normally wear, but I don't dare complain. Perhaps I may enjoy how it looks and incorporate it into my own wardrobe.

It isn't long before I'm fully dressed and having delicate white flowers tucked into the back of my hair. A few tight ringlets fall out of my hairstyle, framing what was created. I glance to the side of me at Kandi, looking at the elaborate golden hair comb that's being placed in her bun. It's made up of many braids into a complicated looking bun. There isn't a need for hanging ringlets in her hairstyle.

Her chamber doors open to reveal the queen. She walks towards the two of us and has each of us twirl around for her to admire the work that was done. I watch her walk to Kandi, handing her a box of jewelry that opens up to show a set of gold. She applies it onto Kandi herself, and I smile at the mother daughter moment.

I don't realize she has a set of jewelry for me until she's standing before me, urging me to open the box. Curiosity takes control when I reach forward and hesitantly open it. I gasp seeing the diamonds and look up to the queen. "Oh, no, I couldn't. I can make my jewels make due."

She shakes her head and places the box down on the vanity, reaching for the necklace and placing it around my neck. "Nonsense, these jewels were crying to be worn when I was looking for something for Kandi. Gold suits her far more."

I place my gloved hand against the diamonds. And while I cannot feel it against my bare fingertips, it's enough to take my breath away. "Thank you. I've never had the chance to wear jewels like this."

The queen steps back and stares at us one more time before she reaches for our masquerade masks, handing them to each of us before our ladies come in, announcing that the two princes and their valets are outside the door waiting for us.

Kandi is first to walk out the doors, voice mumbled through the wood. I glance back at the queen for reassurance, and she motions for me to walk forward into the hallway.

I step out, and Garroth walks to my side and extends his arm out for me to hold onto. I look between him and the prince before caving in and accepting. The prince didn't appear to have an intent to accompany me, and he seemed rather clueless at that moment.

"You look O'Khasisian," he says, glancing me once over before looking straight forward.

"Is that bad?" I question, nervous.

"No, I just expected to find you in green, not my sister."

"I've worn green far too often because of Meteli."

He stops us for a moment before shaking his head. "Then you better begin to favor wearing black and white because your future consists of it."

MASQUERADEWhere stories live. Discover now