chapter twenty four

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When a letter is tilted my way on a silver platter, I am quick to direct it towards the nearest fireplace. In the mindset that it is another letter from my sister, I only stop myself when I realize it is not in her hand. It's from the queen. Burning something from her would be a mistake.

I mumble a quick thank you and watch as they scurry away. I flip the top and pull out the short note.


Please join me in afternoon tea at one o'clock sharp. With the weather beginning to cool, I wish to make use of the garden while most flowers remain in bloom.

With motherly love,


The clock says it's nearing half past noon. I have learned that the queen is dreadful with time, and she rarely gives enough notice to others for afternoon tea. I leave my spot at the piano and walk towards the door, eager to find Eleanor. When I find her, I give her the note and make my way towards my chambers.

The weather is growing colder as the days go on, so I wasn't expecting an afternoon tea to be outside for quite some time. Zianna, of course, has proved me wrong. She proves me wrong frequently.

Eleanor hands me my parasol when I reach for my door's handle, swinging it open and slipping through the opening. She wishes to go with me, but I tell her to enjoy herself with this time she has.

"My sister typically has her lady come with her to tea."

I've grown accustomed to Vylad being near me, so it's shocking that it's instead Garroth being near my door. Our chambers are not in the same hall, so I don't understand why he is my way. The king's study is in the other wing as well.

"Kandilyn and I differ in many aspects. I suppose this is just another one to add onto the list."

In truth, Zane has never liked me. I don't try to get him to like me, and I have learned how to live with it. His presence doesn't bother me as much as it had once more. Kandi still believes that my change is a ruse despite how many months ago Vylad and I came to a stance of forgiveness, and she's crude. Garroth, I believe, is the only one who has warmed up to me once again. I'm unsure if he ever truly distanced himself to begin with, like I had him.

"This list is ridiculous. May I escort you?" He holds his arm out for me to grab onto. I accept, announcing that I am joining his mother for tea. "How is my brother? He seems so distant lately. I suppose that doesn't help with how hectic my schedule has been as of recent."

"You know Vylad. He found some study, and he is slaving away at it. I'm beginning to grow worried about his health. He's overworking himself, and I can't seem to get him to take a break."

He sighs, "I wish my brother wasn't like that. He becomes obsessed with the smallest thing that sparks his interest, and it's times like these that he takes them to an extreme. Our governess would actually punish him by taking his books away when he did that as a child."

I cause Garroth to stop. I place my hand on my stomach, like I did when I was with child, out of habit. "He's been talking about children. I do wish this isn't a behavior that they would learn."

"You speak of children?"

The two of us look at one another. He smiles softly to himself before breaking his attention to the walkway in front of him. "I better get you there. My mother hates tardiness."

When we get there, Garroth takes a seat at the table. A sense of trickery settles in the pit of my stomach as I hesitantly sit beside him.


Vylad's POV

It's rare that Garroth requests an audience with me in his study. In fact, those meetings mean I am going to be yelled at. And if I purposely skip those requests, there's another request and the conversation is worse.

I wouldn't even call it a conversation. It's where Garte speaks, and I am expected to listen. When I don't, and I speak instead, this angers him. Yelling commences and grows worse with each word I say that isn't "yes sir," or "no sir, I understand."

He knows he can get rid of Kandi with the snap of his fingers. It's harder to get rid of me. He hates that almost as much as the idea of me.

Garte's voice booms from the other end of the doors in front of me. I push them open, and they creak in a cry that warns me to run as far away as I can. I wish I could listen to the door without being reprimanded.

"You requested to see me," I say, making myself present within the room. His eyes bore at me, narrowing. "Sir."

"Vylad." He motions to the chair in front of him with his hand. "Sit. We have much to discuss."

I curtly nod my head and sit in front of him. I fold my hands in my lap and lift my chin. I can appear confident even if I know this will end in flames.

"Your wife. She's not with child," he says.

"She was with child–"

"I wasn't finished." He sits down at his desk. He prompts himself up by his elbows, joining his hands in front of his face. There's a heavy sigh, but it sounds like nothing but annoyance. "She's not with child. In fact, she failed to successfully give birth to the child she managed to carry. Not only that, but she continues to cause trouble and embarrass the Ro'meave name. Teach her how to hold her tongue and teach her how to obey."

I normally try to obtain my anger. I try to oppress negative emotions. I'm well aware this man isn't worth them, but a nerve strikes within me. Something bothersome. By stating that she failed, he states that I have failed. Another reminder of illegitimacy and the punishments that come with it.

"I cannot control her."

"Learn how to," he says. Garte has diverted his eyes from me, reaching for his pen and a new piece of paperwork to place before him. This conversation is done according to him. "I know how to control your mother. You're excused."

He waves me off like I'm a servant. I stand before him, narrowing my eyes, and begin to retreat towards the door.

"And make it that she's with child soon. A successful birth this time, must I add."

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