chapter nine

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The room glitters with each step I take. I can't help but to stand in the middle, turning around slowly to catch each sparkle. I've been trying to find a tiara for my birthday. And while everyone has their opinion regarding the matter, I believe my opinion matters above all.

"Dear sister, what are you doing?"

I slowly turn around, holding my hands together in front of me. "Please do not refer to me in that manner again," I groan, disapproving. "But what does it look like I'm doing? I'm picking out my jewels for the ball. I believe I have found the set I shall wear."

His footsteps echo in the room, coming closer to me. Laurance's eyes tell me to show him which set, and I slowly walk him over to a set of pure diamonds. The set looks rather regal, but the tiara appears to be the star of the trio. This caught my eye after creating a design for my gown with my dressmakers. I'm unaware of how long I've spent within this room.

"Will you be able to keep your head up with those diamonds?"

"I don't see why I would not," I say, pushing against his jest towards me. "If you are against my wishes, brother, then we must kindly disagree. I intend on wearing this set, so I will wear this set."

"You've been quite insistent on choosing your own path. There's been a change in your attitude as well. Did something happen in O'Khasis that we're not aware of?"

I stare up at Laurance. I can feel my face pale, and my stomach drop. Laurance reaches forward into the case for the tiara, placing it on the top of my head. I tilt my head up, feeling a slightly unfamiliar weight that hadn't been there before.

I choke back cruel words and force a smile, adjusting the tiara on my head to become centered. "O'Khasis was wonderful. I thank you and father for blessing me with such a trip."

His eyes narrow at me, and he takes the tiara away from me. He harbors it closer to his chest, almost in an obsessive manner. I reach for it, but Laurance shields it from my grasp.

"As the future King of Meteli and your older brother, I will do everything in my power to strip every decision you have made regarding this ball from you and replace it with choices you dread if you do not tell me what is the matter."

My head hangs, and I find it nearly impossible to look Laurance in the eye. Despite the lack of eye contact, I know my brother well enough that he is breaking composure himself. In my peripheral vision, he's returning the tiara to its case and shutting it tight.

He places his hand on my shoulder before resting the other on my back. I take this moment to wrap my arms around him in a desperate embrace, shutting my eyes as tightly as I can muster. His arms slowly wrap around me in return, his chin resting against the top of my head.

"He played me for a fool, Laurance. A fool!" I cry to him, feeling my emotions take over me. I haven't had anyone else I could speak to about this other than Adeline. Even Adeline wished not to speak of it, thinking of it as my duty to remain quiet and fulfill the marriage. "All the royal children knew, and they played me for a complete fool. And I–And I fell for their deceit."

Laurance nearly forgets how much I need an embrace and breaks ours. He pushes me away into an arm's distance and holds onto my shoulders. His face has tightened in expression, and his voice has dropped from anger. "What did they do to you?" His teeth clutch together, never once breaking apart for his words to come out clearly. I place my hand over my mouth and look down, but he forces me to look him in the eye once more, commanding I announce what had happened during my time in O'Khasis.

There wasn't a chair nearby for me to sit in. I felt weak in the knees having to relive every memory they put me through. I stuttered through tears, wiping away those I could with my handkerchief.

Laurance softens when I near the end, his touch gentle when he pulls me towards him once more. He becomes my support system in more ways than one when he presses a kiss to the side of my head.

"I will tell father you're sick, and I have sent you to your chambers," Laurance tells me, leading us towards the door. I look back to the set in a hurry before looking back at Laurance once more, alarmed. "I will then speak with him on how to retrieve your hand back from marriage. Not only has that dreadful prince taken you for a fool, he has also taken Meteli for a fool as well."

I shake my head at him, sniffling back the few remaining tears. I reach for his hand. "No, Laurance, there is no one else whom I could marry. Don't burden father with this news at such a stressful time."

He sighs, becoming momentarily silent before he begins to walk us forward again. It's clear to see he is disapproving of my words, and my stance on the subject, but he and I are on very different statuses. I cannot afford to lose this marriage opportunity, and he knows this.

His pride is just too strong for him to control. 

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