chapter eleven

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I've never had to host alone before. Cadenza always knew exactly what to say. What to do. She even knew the proper times to blink. I hid in her shadow, copying every action she made. She was born to please the public, and she was never second guessed. On her eighteenth, it was only more evident that she knew what she was doing. That she belonged in society.

I feel lost. Numb, almost. Adeline requested for more help with preparing me for tonight. My hair has been tugged at, skin chilled from exposure. My mind has been elsewhere throughout the entire process. I hardly noticed the decrease of beings in the room and added weight to the top of my head.

Adeline's hands cause me to look up at my own reflection. Her touch is gentle on my shoulders, but they don't release the negativity I feel within. My stomach churns, and my knees feel weaker than they've ever felt to be before. I can't help but to reach for the chair's back to stay on my feet. I'm scolded for my poor posture, and Adeline is quick to readjust how I stand.

A knock sounds on my door, and Adeline rushes to relieve the hidden figure. Laurance walks in, stopping a few steps into the room. A small smile lingers on his lips when he decides to come closer to me, reaching for both of my hands and holding them within his own.

"You look grown," he says, admiring my appearance once more. Adeline excuses herself from the room, leaving Laurance and me alone. "You look beautiful. That prince won't know what hit him."

He looks proud of himself when his grip tightens on my hand. His face is twisted in a snarky manner, and I know it is not directed to me personally. Laurance chuckles when he twirls me around, placing his hands where Adeline's were just a few minutes ago.

"You look anxious. Don't be anxious. They're not worth it," Laurance comments, rubbing his thumbs on the skin of my shoulders. We lock eyes in the mirror, but the heaviness within me fails to cease. "Despite what father doesn't know, or what they think. You are not a fool, but a Zvahl. A Zvahl perseveres. . . My, look at you."

This is the first time I've truly looked at myself in the mirror for quite a while. I lift my hands towards my torso, placing one hand on my necklace and allowing the other one to graze against the edges of my tiara. My hands lower, smoothing out the deep red fabric of my skirt, adorned in gold lace. A shaky sigh leaves my lips. "A Zvahl perseveres," I whisper, only for reassurance for myself. "Laurance," I state, looking over to him. "My gloves and fan, if you will."

His lips curve up into a smirk, reaching for my gloves before my fan. I'm quick to put them on and to button them up. When I look up, he's holding my fan out to me to grab. I reach for it, but he doesn't let go just yet. "You know how society works. Play society in return."


Third Person's POV

Alex's dance card sways on her wrist, adorned by signatures of men around her. She partially covers her face with her fan, blocking the giggles that escape past her lips. It's early on in the ball, and the first dance hasn't commenced.

A voice causes her to turn, coming face to face with Garroth. Her expression hardens, and the prince she had been talking to excuses himself. While Garroth isn't an intimidating person, O'Khasis is an intimidating kingdom.

"Eighteen fares you well," he says, lowering himself into a bow. Alex curtsies to him, straightening her posture far more than it had been before.

"And twenty-one doesn't favor you."

His mouth opens briefly before quickly shutting. The princess feels proud, leaving him stunned. While he figures out what to say, she opens her fan once more. "I'm here to request your first dance."

Alex opens her dance card, allowing her eyes to scan through the list of dances and names. "It appears you are too late. The heir of Phoenix Drop has already requested for my first dance. I accepted. Perhaps I may place you later in my queue. Now, if you'll excuse me, the first dance will begin soon."

She turns on her heel, ready to walk away from him and into the busy crowd. He reaches for her wrist, and Alex pulls it away, repulsed by his actions. Her arm is quick to retreat to her chest, staring at him in pure shock. He motions to her dance card, and, hesitantly, she obliges with a sigh. Garroth is quick to write his name, quickly scanning his eyes over the remaining spaces. While there weren't many, there were a few remaining.

He mentally takes note of this, making his exit into the crowd himself. He keeps in mind the remaining spaces and to what dance. Garroth didn't dare warn her that Vylad would be requesting a dance with her. At most, he could have two. He understood society as well as the princess did. If she denied a dance, she couldn't dance with anyone for the remainder of the night.

Garroth returns to his brother and sister. Kandi's dance card had already been filled, only a few spots remaining open. He looks at his younger brother, hesitant. "She's still angered by what you did. Her attitude is bitter towards us."

Kandi begins to fan herself, refraining herself from rolling your eyes. Her first dance walks towards her, and she holds her hand out for him to guide her with. "I told you what you did was a poor idea," she says, walking off with the gentleman.


Alex hadn't forgotten about the Ro'meaves that evening. She was cordial with the queen and king, but the idea of two of the princes holding spots in my dance card irritated her beyond all demand.

Vylad steps behind her, and Alex nearly stumbles when she turns to see him. There wasn't much time remaining before the next dance would begin. She stares at him before violently flipping her card open and becoming disappointed in seeing his name was next on her queue.

She glances towards the orchestra with heavy dread, offering her hand to the male in front of her to initiate the dance. Alex holds her head high, wishing for little conversation between them. It appeared the prince thought otherwise.

Eyes changed their course of direction to the two. Hayden smiles warmly at the engaged couple, clueless of the bitterness his daughter felt at that moment. Garte ignored the tension he sensed between the two, shaking it off as nervous jitters pre-marriage. Zianna, on the other hand, felt something amiss.

"I never meant to hurt you," Vylad says, keeping his eyes on the shorter feeling, watching her every move. "You look wonderful tonight."

Alex refuses to look his way, looking over his shoulder. "I would say you flatter me, but I don't wish for your compliments. You have played me for a fool enough."

"I never meant to play you for a fool."

This causes her to snap her attention in his direction, hatred seething within her. "You never meant to play me for a fool, but yet you did anyway. Once this dance ends, I do not wish to speak with you until I must when we exchange our vows. My card is full, so you may not have the opportunity to ask for another dance."

The song soon ends, and Alex quickly drops herself into a curtsy, watching as he hesitantly drops into a bow. She wasn't supposed to walk off on her own, and he was to accompany her until her next dance.

She requested he takes her to Laurance and to leave her be afterwards. 

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