chapter eighteen

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"Ma'am, we've been instructed to place you into a new corset."

I exchange a glance with Eleanor before looking at another Lady who has the corset in her hands. Confusion grows, eyebrows furrowing together.

"I have a perfectly good corset in Eleanor's hands," I respond, shaking off her words. I point towards the bed, instructing her to place it there. She stands ground, refusing to move. "Why aren't you doing as told?"

"It's from Her Majesty. There's a note that came with it."

I hold my hand out for her to place the note on. A bit of anger boils in me that I'm being controlled so many miles away, but confusion burns strong on why she felt the need to send one.

Darling Alexandra,

Before you had left, I spoke with one of your ladies. She informed me how your corset collection, and I decided it was time you received one for maternity.

It hadn't come before you left, so I sent it out with urgency for you to receive. You're ought to show soon, and this may conceal your growing stomach if you desire for a little longer. More importantly, it'll protect that child growing within you.

With love,

A lump forms in the back of my throat. I fight to swallow it down. My lady gives me the corset, and my eyes scan around its strange appearance. Its laces are at the sides, not the back. There's less boning than the one I typically wear. How on Earth would this help?

"Write to Her Majesty for me stating that I am highly thankful for her kind gesture," I state, handing the corset over with a sigh.

I felt before that I was being delivered to Meteli in shackles metaphorically. Now I physically feel so.

"Are you alright, ma'am?"

Eleanor's worried eyes meet mine. I force a smile on my face, nodding my head. They've already begun to place my petticoats on.

"I am," I say, looking down at the corset on my body. "However, I changed my mind. I wish for the pink dress."


Henri is a welcoming sight. Breakfast was rather silent on my end. Father and Laurance chatted excitedly about a meeting they planned on having later that day, and they chirped about neutral politics with Henri.

They learned more about Henri's home life, most being information I have learned prior last week. He's been kind to me. Perhaps he is one of the only true friends I have.

He walks towards me, his hand hidden behind his back. He stops with a large smile on his face. His smile is one that gives off that this encounter is more than what he wants to give off.

"Your presence is always a lovely sight," he says, pulling his arm out from behind his back to reveal a bouquet of flowers.

I place my hand on my chest, surprised by his actions. "How did you manage to get these?" I ask him, eagerly receiving the bouquet and holding them under my nose.

"I was at the markets earlier, and I had bought these. A kind old lady sold them," he says, looking quite pleased with himself and my reaction. "She told me to give them to someone special. I was already buying them for you, but there's more of a reason for you to have them now."

"You flatter me. Let me find some water to place them in. Then we can take a walk in the garden."

He's patient when I find a servant to place them in a vase and place them in my chambers. I wasn't planning before on going outside, so she comes back with a pair of gloves and my parasol.

Growing up the garden was my favorite place I could go to without being watched carefully. I'd wish to explore and play in the forest of trees nearby, but father never allowed me to without guards watching over. With the garden, he could at least look out a window and see me there.

Because of my fascination with the garden, there was a section dedicated to me. I dictated what flower was included, and it was common for me to go and pick one from time to time. The gardeners didn't favor it when I did it, but I felt they made my chambers a better place to be at.

Because of this, the garden has always been a special place for me.

"There's a place within the garden itself I wish to see," I tell Henri minutes into our walk.

He nods his head, letting me do as pleased. "As you wish."

The pace of my step quickens. I know each step of this place like the back of my hand. I almost feel like a child again running past the bushy area. Everything was much more vivid back then.

I stop when I reach my area. I haven't seen this in quite some time. I grew busy nearing my eighteenth birthday, so I wasn't able to do as I pleased as much anymore. The garden was dying due to cold weather when I had time, and I was already married when it was the blooming season.

"Why did you stop?"

Henri places his hand on my shoulder. I turn my head towards him with the widest smile. Everything has bloomed beautifully.

"This is my favorite spot in the entire garden. My father gave it to me when I was a little girl," I tell him, walking over to the roses. "These were the first flowers I insisted on being planted. They're Cadenza's favorite too. It's always been my happy place."

Henri walks over to the roses, crouching down beside them. He glances up to me, asking for permission as his hands hover over one of the delicate flowers. "May I?"

I nod my head, stepping back to allow him some space to pick a flower. My hoops away from my motions. The flower is quickly picked, and he removed the thorns as quickly as he plucked it from the bush.

"The roses are on their own," he mentions, watching as another thorn falls to his feet.

"They travel and grow elsewhere," I respond, holding onto the flower after he gives it to me. I twirl it between my fingertips, smelling the fragrance it gives off. "But they're my favorite. Always have been."

A smile creeps onto his own lips. I blush when I realize I've captured his gaze and stare furthermore at the flower in my hand.

"Your cheeks nearly match the flower," he jokes.

I playfully send a glare his way and reach up to his chest with the rose in hand. I pin it into place, staring up at what I've done. "You've given me flowers today. It's only fair if I do the same."

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