chapter thirteen

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Third Person's POV

"You wished to see me?"

Tensions rose within the newlyweds. It was evident through the palace something wasn't right, but the queen tried her hardest not to think about what could be the cause of it. Instead, she pushed it off, as the young wife was missing her homeland and those she grew up around. The princess, on the other hand, thought differently.

"I'm surprised you came. You typically find some reason to send back why you cannot meet with me."

There's a stare down between Alex and Vylad. And while Vylad's eyes are filled with a mixture of sadness and surprise, Alex's only gives off her annoyance and hatred. She's careful not to step close to him, keeping a short distance between them. He holds his arm out for her to hold onto while they walk, but she simply stares down at it before looking directly in front of her.

"I thought it was evident by now why," she comments, eyes gliding to the right to look at him. Sure, he should've been guiding her, and she should've let him, but why would she do that? "I'm only doing this for your mother. She hasn't wronged me yet, and it causes her to smile. Be pleased I'm around you after my Lady was sent away."

Vylad sighs, well aware that whatever went wrong in her life, she would blame it upon him. "I didn't send her away. My father did. He decided she wasn't on the correct political spectrum for O'Khasis."

"Of course he did."

In truth, that was the case. Garte came to the conclusion that Adeline needed to be replaced. O'Khasis was far too conservative for a Lady in Waiting from Meteli to be attending a newly made O'Khasis princess. He wanted a Lady from his own kingdom to tend to her due to the reputation of his kingdom, and there were many to choose from.

He pushed it off as Adeline realized it was time she found a suiter, and she wished to do so in her homeland. She had a few years on the young princess, and she feared she would become a spinster. Adeline was dismissed and transferred before the princess returned to her room from a promenade in the garden. She wasn't aware of the dismissal until it was too late.

Vylad didn't see the need in lying to her, but he was blamed nonetheless.

The two walk forward until they reach the dining room. The walk was short, and Alex was quick to decide she wished to return anywhere other than by his side. "I wish to leave."

Vylad turns to look at her, shaking his head. He didn't want her to leave quite yet. "Alex, no. We need to talk about what's happened, and how our future will look."

"I am perfectly content with the present mirroring the future," she responds, wishing to hear no more of it. "Now, I wish to leave. I feel ill."

She turns on her heel to walk away, feeling his hand wrap around her wrist in a desperate plea. "I'm your husband."

This doesn't stop her as she continues to walk off, refusing to look back at him when she turns her head away. Her walk is quick and urgent, evident she wanted to escape the conversation.

"Trouble in matrimony, I see," a voice sounds behind Vylad, a crunch of an apple following suit. "Such a shame, baby brother."

Vylad turns with a groan of annoyance. "Shut up, Zane."


"She's felt ill for quite some time now."

"They sent for a doctor early this morning."

Rumors are quick to spread from person to person within the palace. The walls may hide secrets, but the servants hold none. Worry struck the queen early morning after Alex failed to show up for the invite afternoon tea. She had noticed a paling in her face days before, but she hadn't heard about her constant sensations of illness until that morning. Worried, a doctor was sent for.

The maids' words ring in Vylad's ears, causing him to halt in his walk and to turn to them, demanding to know whom they were speaking about. He knew he would be added onto the rumors with "he didn't know," but he didn't care in the slightest.

Kandi had appeared to be fine, and he would've been angry if Alex worried his mother to no end with lies of illness.

His footsteps are quick when he hears the name and rushes to his wife's chambers, feeling a sense of anger within him.


"With child?" Alex asks. The mere two words made her feel bile gliding up her throat. She didn't want to be a mother. She didn't want a child with him. There truly was no returning from this marriage. "How?"

The doctor looks up at the young female, smiling to himself. He had done this plenty of times and adored the happiness that women felt with the news of their first pregnancy, but the princess's reaction confused him slightly. "I suppose it's common for women to be unaware how–"

"Don't tell me how a child is made," Alex says, feeling weak in her knees. She's quick to reach for her fan, cooling herself off as she feels her corset tighten. "I had thought something was wrong, but a child. . ."

Zianna ushers her Lady away, taking it upon herself to tighten her corset and dress her. She felt an immense amount of joy within her. She suspected it was a child, but she didn't wish to jump to conclusions. "How much longer?" She asks, staring up at him.

"Perhaps five to six months."

The conversation doesn't last much longer before the doctor leaves and Alex is dressed. She felt dizzy, upset even at the idea of a child. Zianna tried her hardest to reassure her that all is well, but the princess felt like she couldn't hear. She wanted to be alone with a pen and paper.

When the queen leaves the room, Vylad's quick footsteps nearly tip her over. The look on his face softened at the sight of his mother.

"She's with child."

"With child?" he asks in disbelief.

"You're going to be a father."


My Dearest Father and Brother,

I have not been married for half a year before regrettably learning of the news that I am with child. I've only heard of women being pleased that a blessing such as this is being bestowed upon them, but I only feel upset.

Perhaps it is wrong of me to wish I am not with child. At least, not at this current moment. I am married to a fool, whom I know little to nothing about, and half of him is growing within me.

A doctor was sent for this morning after constant cases of feeling ill. I have been given five to six months until the child is born. The queen wishes for a son, pleased to have a grandchild so soon. The sex of this child will mean little to nothing in the line, but the idea of men overpowers the desire of a female.

I'm afraid. I'm quite afraid of childbirth and the idea of being a mother. I have only just entered adulthood, and I have married and Irene bestowing me with a child.

If others ask, I am overjoyed with the idea of being a mother. I am pleased, and my marriage is going well. Do not allow others to worry about me.

With all my love,

Alexandra Ro'meave

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