chapter five

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Third Person's POV

The idea of a masquerade struck different emotions amongst the young group. While some found it new and whimsical, others found it silly and risky. It varied from person to person, but that didn't stop the small group from merging with the public.

Vylad's eyes twinkled with deceit far more than the stars did against the pond outside. Here, he thought that little would recognize him. And if they did, they'd favor Garroth over him.

His false identity would remain stable, and he could continue to pay mind to the princess from the careful watch of his eye. He could interact with her, but it wasn't under false pretenses with her reasonses.

He knew this was risky. He knew that if she learned of his actions she'd be hurt. This was simply something he was willing to deal with when the time came.

For now, he liked what he saw. She seemed kind and aware of titles. When they first met, and he portrayed himself as his valet, her apologizes were genuine. She wasn't playing an image that she wanted others to believe.

He just wanted to continue this charade a little while longer to be certain.

For the said princess, the masquerade was new. She couldn't rely on Kandi to guide her on what actions to take, but she couldn't help but look to her for guidance.

It had always been this way. She looked to Cadenza for guidance, never wishing to do something wrong. Her sister was so poised and collected, and she saw this in Kandi.

She was quite a wallflower. Compared to Kandi's, her dance card was almost hidden on her wrist. There's a tap on her shoulder, and she turns to see the valet in disguise.

"Your dance card is nearly empty," he says, motioning to the object hanging on her wrist.

Despite being aware, she can't help but to glance at her calling card. Garroth had placed his name under the first two-step, but she hadn't tried much to appeal to men for partners. She felt rather shy.

"I'll be your first waltz," he says.

Alex's eyes widen for a moment before she hesitantly offers him her card, watching him scribble down "A Collins" on her first waltz line.

She can't help but to look at the signature anxiously. It looked similar to the handwriting on his desk, but she found it too neat to match. "Shouldn't I save my first waltz for the prince?"

He glances towards his valet. "I believe someone asked him to be their waltz, and he felt horrible if he were to tell her no."

The princess nods her head and glances up at the sudden change in music, feeling flustered when she's offered his hand to guide her to the dance floor.

It was that moment she felt happier than she had been. Her hand on his shoulder while his brings her forward on its position on her back. The two connect their hands together, and she slowly brings her gaze up to his.

It was evident he knew how to dance, and it was always wonderful to know that her partner could dance. She loved the feeling of her skirts gliding from swift movements and how elegant it made her feel.

It wasn't until her next waltz that she decided that the fake prince couldn't dance as well.


The carriage ride back to the palace was filled with quiet humming and softened chatter. Garroth was silent during the ride, unable to keep his eyes off of his sister and the princess next to him.

He stared at their skirts to prevent his eyes from landing on their bodices in fear the princess would get the wrong impression of him.

He simply couldn't get over what Kandi had done while they were dressing. Like Vylad, she could be devious. It was clear she had her own plan, and it was carried out through the oblivious princess.

Her mothered stopped him earlier, questioning him thoughtlessly on whether she should grab a golden set of jewels or one of emeralds for a green dress. He had been in the hallway she was briskly walking through at the time, and she had stopped him to hear the question out loud to herself.

When he saw the fabric of the dress exiting the room, he suddenly assumed it was the Princess of Meteli. Meteli was known for their earth tones. And like how O'Khasis was known for black and white, Meteli was known for green and brown. It wasn't until his eyes lifted that he saw his sister.

He didn't mind the change in how Kandi presented himself. She had dressed herself in the kingdom's colors from time to time, so he had thought she'd do the same.

He didn't understand why the princess was wearing O'Khasis colors instead when the only tie she had with them was weak in the time being due to an engagement. There wasn't a marriage nor pregnancy that confirmed her spot, though lower in the family status, in O'Khasis.

Their citizens hadn't even known much of the princess. They knew of her, but she was just a question in their mind. They had yet to present her to the public in her visit.

Garroth didn't understand why.


Kandi was in her dressing gown by the time there was a knock on her chamber doors. Puzzled, she went to answer the call herself due to sending her lady to the servants chambers for the night.

"Garroth, what are you doing here at this time of night?" She asks, letting the taller blond man walk into the room.

His steps were heavy on the ground, almost like he was stomping. She could tell something was wrong with her brother, but it was a second glance that forced her to realize that he was angered and not saddened.

"Why did you pull what you did regarding your gowns tonight?" Garroth bluntly asks, wishing to get straight to the point. He didn't want to spend much more time meddling in affairs such as fooling the princess, but he couldn't wrap his head around why Kandi was joining in.

She laughs for a moment, allowing it to slowly die down when she learns Garroth found no humor in the situation. "You're being silly. They were simply gowns."

His eyebrows furrow over his eyes. For once, it wasn't due to confusion but rather one of skepticism. Garroth tries to point out how obvious of a lie her words were. She never chose a dress without reason.

"If it makes you leave my chambers faster, I did this for Vylad," she says, sitting against the small chair by her vanity. "He hadn't asked me to dress her the way I did. I wanted to show him his future and how silly his plan was."

He sighs, running his hand through his hair. Garroth didn't support Vylad's deceit. He found it a plan only fools would make, and his brother was becoming a fool. He didn't wish to be a part of it, but his sister was managing to become one with it.

"Kandilyn, it's better we allow Vylad to meet his downfall on his own," he says.

The princess thinks for a moment before glancing up to him. "Garroth, you aren't harboring emotions for her, are you? It has only been three days. That would make you a fool."

There's no disgust on his face, nor is there any in his tone. "No," he says. It was the truth. Garroth couldn't afford for fall for another, nor one of illegitimate birth, but he didn't think he could ever harbor romantic feelings for her. "She reminds me of you."

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