Chapter 1

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Hi, my name is Y/N Besson. I'm 16 years old. I live in Dallas, Texas. I live with my parents, my brothers, Corbyn Besson and Jordan Besson, and my twin sister, Ashley Besson. Ashley is 8 minutes younger. Corbyn just graduated from high school, Jordan is a senior in high school now and Ashley and I are sophomores in high school. Ashley and I share the same friend group.

In our friend group is Jabez Villalobos (our guy bestfriend also Ashley's crush), Zach Clayton (our guy best friend), Desiree Montoya (our girl bestfriend) and Haley Pham(our girl bestfriend). We tend to keep our group short. Me and Ashely meet Jabez at pre-school, Zach we meet him in Kindergarten and Desiree and Haley we meet them in 5th grade.

It's our first day as sophomores. Ashley tends to beat me to use the restroom first but I always end up winning.

Ashley: it's not fair your always the first one to go
Y/N: you're just mad that I win all the time
Ashley: that's because you're closer to the bathroom
Jordan: can y'all just hurry we gonna be late on the first day
Y/N/Ashley: shut up Jordan!

A few minutes later.

Ashely and I rush downstairs to eat breakfast.

Corbyn: do you guys need a ride to school?
*You, Ashley and Jordan nods*

Ashely and I meet up with our friends at the front of the school.

*you and Ashley run to them & did a group hug*
Jordan: y'all are weird
Y/N: whatevers
Corbyn: afterschool, if y'all need a ride home meet me by that car if you aren't there your walking home.
Ashley: you act like we live far from here
*Corbyn drives away & Jordan walks away*
Y/N: so who do you guys have first?

We showed each other our schedules. I had all
my classes with Ashley and 3 classes with Jabez and Haley and 2 classes with Zach and Desiree. We went our separate ways but me and Ashley had 1st period together and it was English.

Skip to Lunch.

Ashley and I went to meet up with the rest at the spot. I told Ashley I was going to the locker room.

Y/N: hey Ash. Imma go to the locker room to put my clothes away
Ashley: want me to go with you?
Y/N: no i won't take long
*Ashley nods & walks away*

I went to the locker room and put my clothes away and headed back to go hang out with my friends.

Jabez: where were you?
Y/N: i went to the locker room
Desiree: for what?
Y/N: to put my clothes away
Jabez: y'all going to my basketball game?
Ashely: what time?
Jabez: at 5
Y/N: home game?
Jabez: yeah
All: of course!

Skip to afterschool.

Ashley, Jordan and I waited for Corbyn at the parking lot. We get home and helped each other with homework and then got ready to go to the game.

Corbyn: where y'all going?
Both: to Jabez's game
Corbyn: where's Jordan?
Y/N: he's with his friends
Corbyn: so home alone it is.
*Corbyn leaves*

A few minutes later.

We got to the game and started to cheer for Jabez and the rest of them team.

Ashely's POV:
I've had a crush on Jabez for so long now but I feel like he doesn't seem that way. I keep look at Y/N and she keeps on smiling and being nervous. I feel like Y/N is in love with him too. I think imma step back.

Your POV:
I'm so happy that this gonna happen tonight. I'm just nervous on what's gonna happen I got to find a way to get away from Ash. I know y'all are confused on what's happening right now. Well during 3rd period, Jabez texted me to come out of class so I asked to go to the bathroom and he told me his plan.

Jabez: Y/N! Im glad you could come out. I need your help.
Y/N: what am i useful?
Jabez: i want to ask out Ash but I don't know how to.
Y/N: just leave it to me. I'll plan something and I'll tell you during art class
Jabez: thanks Y/N.
*You nod & walk back in class*

Back to reality.

Y/N: I'll be back. Imma go to the restroom.
Ashely: okay.

I went to the locker room to get the poster that I
made with Jabez in Art class. I heard the halftime bell ring and I went to go look for Jabez. I gave him a signal that I was ready. Jabez grabs the microphone and he talks in it.

Jabez: can i have y'all attention? Thanks. I want to say thank you for coming to support us. I also would like to call my bestfriends to stand next to me and that's Y/N and Desiree.

I looked at the stand and I see Ashley got sad and stand up to walk down. So I told Jabez to hurry.

Y/N: Jabez you need to hurry she's leaving.
Jabez: I just want to thank Y/N for doing what I'm about to do. So Ashley please come down here. I have been in love with you for as long as I could remember.
*Ashley turns around & starts walking towards you guys*
Jabez: so if Y/N and Desiree would open the poster now. I would like to know Ashley Mae Besson would you like to be my girlfriend?
Ashely: OMG! Of course I would love to.

Jabez and Ashley gave each other a hug and a kiss. Jabez went back to his game and the rest of us went back to our seats. After a while, the game ended and Ashley and I went home and got ready for bed.

Skip to 6 months.

Jabez and Ashley have been dating for 6 months. Zach and Desiree moved to LA. Desiree left 2 weeks ago and is doing online school. Zach left during winter break and dropped out. I'm currently 3rd wheeling. Corbyn left to LA to form a band called Why Don't We and is dating Christina Marie, she's a youtuber. Christina is an Angel we love her so much.

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